Memory Question

10 Mar 2004
Would a 1GB memory module run ok next to 2 x 256mb modules?

Memory is DDR PC2700 333

Running an unbranded 256 and a Kingston hyper 256 next to eachother now

Said memory is now in....

And one of them is not showing up, i have 3 slots the first has the 1gb stick in
the second slot has 256mb stick in as does the third

But the last slot isnt showing as having any memory in at all

Any help muchos appreciated :)
Yeah seems that wherever they are it only picks up 1.25GB of ram

Although i did try it with the 2x256mb stick in slot 1&2 with the gig in slot3

And it only picked up the gig stick :confused:

God knows ill just flog the 256 stick :)
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