Memory recommendation for new build

26 Dec 2017
Hi, I'm not sure which too get to make sure its decent speed, just wondering if you have any suggestions.

I have pre ordered the bellow

3080 strix oc
Im planning on the dark hero when available.

I was thinking pushing the boat out to 64gb to future proof, or incase i do any 3d model or photoshop work on it but mostly for gaming. this rig is costing a lot im prob gunna milk for 2 - 4 years then just improve graphics card as is "the way" for most of us.

I heard 4 sticks is needed. id prefer RGB ram as im water cooling / fancy lights.

the moment i jumped from 32gb to 64gb the choice seemed to dramatically drop for low CAs options.

Also if i can afford better than 3600, should i do that ie 4000 ?
If you have that much to spend you may aswell wait for G. Skill's 5000 series RAM. No reason not to wait. Optimistically 1 week eta but pessimistically 2 weeks.

As for speed, 3,600 is more than enough for any task. You will also be able to choose between 32GB or 64GB when the time comes.
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