Memory speed question

15 Feb 2021
I'm looking to upgrade my pc with an extra 16gb. At present I've got two 8gb. One is Ballistix and the other is Kingston Fury. I'm trying to find compatible memory but the problem is when I enter "wmic memorychip list full" it reports both chips' speeds as 2133 mhz. But when I enter their parts numbers into the web they both come up as 2400mhz chips. So I don't know what speed of chips to buy.

The product numbers are:
dimm0 = BLS8G4D240FSBK.8FBD

dimm1 = KHX2400C15/8G

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

I'd probably just go with a new 2x16gb kit as it will avoid any compatibility issues and should be easier to run than a mismatched 4x8 config.

What's the motherboard / CPU you are using?.
CPU Z memory tab reports the speed your both DIMMs are running at the given moment

Hi so I ran a new version of cpuz but I'm not sure if I'm reading it right

I don't see any mention of the 2400mhz the chip is listed as! The other Dimm slot is the same.
Hopefully, you can decipher it better than I :)
i5 -6400 2.7ghz / msi b150 pc mate/ gtx 1060 6gb/
I've been deliberating for days on what I should upgrade to get better performance in msfs2020. I don't have loads of cash and the motherboard is a real limiting factor. But I could put in more ram, or get an i7-6700k, or replace the gtx with a faster card. Add to that the fact that my ssd (which has the os on it) is fast running out of space and I'm about pulling my hair out trying to figure out what's the right move :(
16gb of ram is enough for most gaming machines so i would hold fire on that.

The cost of a 6700k is crazy as you could get a 6 core 10400f and motherboard for £250 approx reusing your old memory. Selling your old motherboard and cpu should keep costs down.

If your running out of space then geting a ssd makes most sense.
Your CPU is the biggest limiting factor in that game. I doubt adding more RAM will fix any performance issues for you. Your GPU VRAM size probably is limiting as well. CPU upgrade would be waste of money, I believe
You probably want a full overhaul to something a bit more modern CPU/GPU/ram/mb and maybe a new psu + SSD also but it's probably the worse time in history to try find a GPU right now so maybe try make make due with what you have till things improve or sign up to stock alerts/pay over odds if you can afford to do so.
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