Memory Timings?

11 Nov 2003
I have recently upgraded my Mobo (DFI Lanparty UT NF4-D) and my memory (G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 (2x1GB) CAS3).

I could not get the memory to work in the yellow slots on the mobo. (I read somewhere this is because of tighter timings?) So I now have them in the orange slots.

Using CPU Z I have the following timings

Frequency - 200Mhz
CAS Latency - 3
RAS to CAS Delay - 4
RAS Precharge - 4
Cycle time (Tras) - 8
Bank Cycle time (Trc) - 7
DRAM idle timer - 256 clocks

Are these timings ok?
They are very loose, however your mem is meant to run at pc4000 speeds not pc3200 so it will not have been made for tight timings are pc3200 speeds. You should be able to change them to 2.5-3-3-7 at least. Or change the divider so that they run at pc4000 which is 250mhz
Mikey1280 said:
They are very loose, however your mem is meant to run at pc4000 speeds not pc3200 so it will not have been made for tight timings are pc3200 speeds. You should be able to change them to 2.5-3-3-7 at least. Or change the divider so that they run at pc4000 which is 250mhz

Should I only do one OR the other or both??

When you say 2.5-3-3-7 I take it you mean
CAS Latency
RAS to CAS Delay
RAS Precharge
Cycle time (Tras)

in that order?
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