Memory timinngs for my pc.

30 Jun 2006
At the moment they are 3-3-3-8, and i cant seem to o/c my cpu that high :confused: , ive heard that 3700+ o/c very well (my "freind" got his higher than fx-60 speeds, but he wont let slip anything). i would jsut like to know what other people are running at. (im a bit of a noob at over clocking, so simpole language please :D )
I'm guessing your running your ram at 1:1 with your cpu, because no way in hell does that cpu only do 2.3ghz.
Do a bit of research and find out about ram dividers.
dante6491 said:
dont know :S


The value highlighted is the divider, try turning that down to 166.

Do you know how a divider works? Or do you want a quck overview? :)
dante6491 said:
is that the 11x, 10.5x etc?

No its called the LDT multi, it should have settings from 1x to 5x, drop it to 3x :)

The LDT multiplier sets the speed of the hypertransport bus:

HTT speed x LDT multiplier = HT bus speed

Stock this is 200x5 = 1000Mhz

You want to keep it around the 1000Mhz mark for stability.

Memory dividers:

A memory divider allows you to run the RAM slower than the HTT speed of the CPU.

Say you're running 250HTT to get a healthy overclock, the default setup is that the RAM will be running at the same speed as the HTT (called 1:1) and a lot of RAM simply won't run at those speeds so you use a divider, such as the 166mhz divider.

Things are a little complicated here, its called the 166 divider because if you were running at 200mhz your RAM would be running at 166mhz, but in this example we're running at 250mhz, so the actual speed would be:

250 x (166/200) = 207.5mhz

Why they refer to dividers as values in mhz ios beyond me tbh, its much easier to think of them as ratios or fractions which fortunately DFI do :)
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Vegeta said:
that 11X 10.5X thing, keep that at the highest number.

Yeah thats your CPU multiplier, as you have a 3700 your highest will be 11.

HTT x CPU multiplier = Max CPU speed.

HTT x LDT multiplier = HT bus speed.

HTT x memory divider (as a fraction) = RAM speed.
Yeah I reckon theres still a fair bit to go aswell.
Just keep an eye out on what speed your running your ram (as value stuff isnt the greatest so I doubt it will overclock much).
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