Memory upgrade - 8Pack 3600mhz 32gb

25 Aug 2008
York, UK

Upgrading from the 8Pack 3200mhz 16gb kit to the 8Pack 3600mhz 32gb kit.
Will the timings from the 16gb kit work ok, or do I need to start tweaking all over again?
(as the new kit is faster, was thinking could be ok? (I o/clocked the 3200 to 3600 speeds))

It depends how tight your 16gb timings were but if you're asking they likely aren't super optimized so you should be ok. Remember that there is a chance when you put the new RAM in that the BIOS might reset RAM timings so make sure to have them noted.
In general bigger the sticks, looser the timing.

I would think you 100% need to start over.
What's system used for
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Wow that is a low voltage for 4000mhz cas 16.
I need 1.47v to hit my tight timings (cas 14) on 3600mhz with my 16gb kit.
A lot of it is down to the motherboard, my Asrock would do 14-14-14-32@3600mHz and needed 1.47V, it wouldn't do anything over 3600mHz no matter what voltage I pumped in.
Am running 8 Pack 3600mHz 16-16-16-38 @4000mHz 16-16-16-34 on an Intel X299 10980XE, motherboard made a huge difference. I did have an Asrock but was unhappy with a few things, memory wouldn't go above 3600 no matter the voltage, so switched to an Asus and 4000 popped pretty much straight in at 4000. Memory has been stress tested and passes 4 runs of Memtest86 and Y-Cruncher, no crashes or lock-ups at all.

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I have 2x32Gb
when you said 2 x 32gb, i assumed 2 x 32gb sticks but what you have is 4 x 16gb sticks must easier to overclock now it makes a little more sense.

you have dropped command rate to 2t not 1t that as a bigger impact on a lot of things than the extra 1 or 200mhz you may get
but yer its ok..

now do remember the OP is running AMD 3xxx chip. in a lot of cases but not all you cant get large amount of ram to run at XMP 3600mhz or more, lot have to pull back to 3400/3200.
the system is only used for games unless your having member related problem or running games that feed of large ram id stick with the ram you have at the speeds you have.
is most cases people would need a new system before 32gb of ram becomes needed for gaming(but not all cases)

i only play main stream AAA games and my system will be long gone before i need more ram
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I bought 2 separate kits of 2x16gb meaning they aren't matched pairs, guess I should've been a little more specific. You now have me itching to get 1T, have not really played too much with timings and don't want to jinx it all;)
I bought 2 separate kits of 2x16gb meaning they aren't matched pairs, guess I should've been a little more specific. You now have me itching to get 1T, have not really played too much with timings and don't want to jinx it all;)

when your messing with timings lower doesn't always mean better, and sub timing are extremity important, with you not bothering with command rate im going to assume you didn't change them ever.
your bios was relax some timing to make other work. just because you got 16,16,16,32 if the other timings are set to auto i can almost guarantee bios relaxed them to post it what it dose, meaning faster timings can be a lot slower in the real world.

when overclocking step one is to change every timing from auto to its stock value to stop bios stepping in.

however you have dead but good platform, a good board, a chip and very good ram. i have no idea what the system is used for but in it own right it could be a very good system
I can't seem to get 1T but have lowered all the secondary timings, had to increase voltage to 1.47V to do it, I got an extra 7gb a second in Aida.

Am using the system for various things including 3D rendering, overclocked it is pretty quick.

I got an extra 7gb a second in Aida.

Am using the system for various things including 3D rendering, overclocked it is pretty quick.

That a good increase, bios dose this to try and keep the system stable it bugs me but that is auto settings...

am not say thing the systems not good its better than mine. i was just getting at people buy CPU's like your to bench and play games... in that case its stupid
But 3D rendering will use the cores..
That a good increase, bios dose this to try and keep the system stable it bugs me but that is auto settings...

am not say thing the systems not good its better than mine. i was just getting at people buy CPU's like your to bench and play games... in that case its stupid
But 3D rendering will use the cores..

I only bench to test stability, nothing worse than having a long render crash due to instability. When I got the setup it was the best that I could afford, does me fine for now.
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