memory upgrade

23 Mar 2006
Hi, I am looking to upgrade my pc later in the year to at least a 939 system.
I currently have a socket A system,which takes i believe up to 2700 ram. I am doing a lot of desktop stuff, web design and publishing etc atm and i need more ram and i dont really want to buy twice. I am looking to buy about 2Gb, I will probabaly want to try and o/c when i rebuild.
Can i buy ram now that will work in my new system later in the year to run in my comp now. I know i wont be able to get the best from it on socket a, but will it work?

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quoted from another thread;

b4z said:
as far as i know you can buy the PC3200 memory you want to,
and easily set it to run at the slower speed within the motherboard bios at;


depending on which its happy with

take a look in your bios (and update it to the latest one available) and write down the ram speed options available and post back here... chances are you can

and then yes, when you upgrade to a socket939 motherboard etc. it will work fine.
PC3200 RAM is backwards compatible to PC2700, PC2100 etc (by standards specification).

You wont need to change any settings - your mobo will just run it at its best capable speed.

Make sure your present system can take 1Gb modules though.

Providing you will be using DDR1 in your new rig (i.e. not using a DDR2 type rig) then you will be fine.

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