Memory Voltage and crashing problems

20 Mar 2004
This is more of a follow up to a thread I started over on general hardware.

I was having crashing problems in games, it was suggested that I tried uping the RAM voltage which has a bios default at 2.66v, this didn't work so I tried lowering it to 2.56v.

I played a variety of games last night and no crashes, so fingers crossed, it seems to have solved the problem. Does this sound right?

Does lowering the voltage slow down the memory in anyway, I've been told before that my memory is underclocked but I have no idea what settings to use.
I'm using G.Skill 2GB DDR HZ PC4000 memory.
Different types of ram chips react differently to increase or decrease in voltage, for example my tccd based ram likes lower voltage the higher htt I go (9x310 1:1 2.76vdimm) or 9x290 1:1 2.85vdimm, weird eh ? ;)
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