memtest says memory is fine - but instability on CAS 2.5?

29 Sep 2005
Shrewsbury, UK
Hi guys,

I have an odd problem which I would really appreciate some advice on. This has been an ongoing problem which I've had for some time and have really struggled to pinpoint to any component.

I have a PC of spec as in my sig, altho the CPU is new - I used to have a Venice 3000+ E6 rev but the problem is identical regardless of which CPU I use. Whilst using the Venice, it was overclocked to 2.66Ghz (295x9) with the RAM on a 1:1 (590Mhz) @ 2.5-4-4-8. This is within the rated spec for Geil One RAM (606Mhz @ 2.5-4-4-8).

The problem manifested itself as instability initially. Over time, I kept clocking back until I was at stock and still experiencing instability. I sought help from here and another highly respected forum run by the mobo manufacturer. I tried all sorts with the very limited resources that I have (nobody I know that lives near to me has s939 :( ).

I know believe that the RAM is to blame for my instability. The long and the short of it is that I can't run CAS 2.5, but CAS 1.5/2.0/3.0 are all fine. Any overclocking seems to be out of the question also, and I still experience some instablity at stock speeds now after it progressively got worse. I've been through all the possibilities (memory controller on the CPU hence buying a San Diego, mobo etc) but truly believe it to be the RAM now.

I've memtested the RAM for 8 hours on various different latency settings and it always passes. But it is never completely stable in Windows and will not successfully boot at CAS 2.5. Also, a Prime95 blend test will only complete tests at around 1/10th the speed it should do, even tho Large FFT tests are fine.

If I try the RAM in other motherboards (nF2, nF3 etc) I experience the same troubles. New RAM in my system is perfectly stable.

Has anyone else had such an experience whereby memtest cannot find any errors but Windows is not stable? Any other suggestions for testing before I RMA the memory? Clearly I want to be certain that the RAM is the trouble before I RMA it, but I really don't see what else it can be.

Any help is much appreciated as I am at wits end with this thing! :mad:

EDIT: just realised that my PSU isn't in the sig cos I didn't have room. It's an Seasonic S12 500w which I know some revisions can have problems with DFI nF4 mobo's, but this system worked perfectly for 6 months and the problem manifested itself over time and got progressively worse so I am not suspecting the PSU at this stage.
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Thanks, I've not seen that memtest program before so I'll try it tomorrow. I'll make sure that I have the latest Prime95 also and try what you said - I appreciate your help.

I'll also try one stick at a time as well - something that I've not done before as I never had errors on memtest86 with both.

Has anyone found this windows memtest to be more sensitive than the dos based one then? My problems certainly exhibit themselves in windows and games, so I'm hoping that this might show me the problem in black and white so that I'm confident enough to RMA the RAM :)

Cheers :D
OK, I've tested one stick of RAM overnight - approx 8 hours in total with 20000% coverage (I guess that's equivalent to 200 passes?). No errors at all. I'll swap sticks and do the same tonight. If that doesn't show any errors either, I have no idea what to do :confused:

It's a bit ridiculous because I can only assume that it must be the RAM as no matter what system I put the RAM into, CAS2.5 will not be stable. But will that be enough evidence to RMA the memory?
OK, I've tried both sticks of RAM individually and neither show errors on this memtest program either, when testing at CAS 2. I can't get the PC to successfully boot to windows at CAS 2.5 so I can't test it. I guess that all I can do is RMA the RAM on this basis.

If anyone else has any other suggestions then please feel free to post here, otherwise it's time to RMA.
Thax for your reply, I've been really busy with work so haven't really had time to play with this until the weekend just gone.

OK, well I did something that I should have done a long time ago (hindsight is a wonderful thing :rolleyes: ) and tried booting to windows with one stick at a time and with the CAS latency at 2.5. Sure enough, 1 stick worked fine and the other failed miserably.

I also tried both RAM sticks in both sockets and the same thing happened. I can now overclock the PC perfectly using just the one good stick of RAM, but can't boot windows using the other.

I've currently got my new San Diego running at 2.9Ghz stable on air (priming as we speak :D) without even trying. It looks like it's got more to go yet, but I'm chuffed to bits with the performance at 2.9Ghz so I'm not really fussed to get any more :D Currently I'm running at 265x11 on a 1:1 with the good stick of Geil, so the RAM is at 2.5-4-4-8 @ 530Mhz and no problems. Once I find the CPU ceiling I'll drop the multi and increase the FSB to get the most from the RAM, but tbh that's all a moo point as I need to RMA the Geil memory :(

Does anyone have experience of RMAing Geil RAM?

EDIT: sorry I realised I didn't answer your question regarding the LDT. I make sure that the LDT is under 2000Mhz regardless of clock, so currently it's on 3x. I messed about with that a little before but it made no difference to stability. Changing the CAS latency was the only setting that ever made a difference to the stability when this faulty RAM stick was installed.
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