memtest screenshots - help? problem?



11 Mar 2005
AMD 64 3200 Venice (@stock atm)
DFI Ultra-D (on default settings)
Corsair 2gb XMS kit (2.5-3-3-6)
ATI X1800XT pcie (@stock atm)

i did memtest just now because i am having boot problems with my pc
(a variation of the same problem with booting into windows or even at all, but usually 3 lights out of 4 are lit, which i believe to be memory?)

it went through from test 1-7 quite happily up to about 80% pass level, and then this happened;

can someone explain what this means..


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okay, thanks, i will go and try and test them both individually (if i can get my pc to boot properly)

by the way, does this error translate to a physical problem with the memory? (eg. one is borked?)
okay i ran each stick on memtest for a while, and neither individual stick showed any errors after 5+ full tests on both.

now i really am confused? if both memory sticks are individually "fine" according to memtest, then what is the next port of call?

try memtest with both in? like before?
(only problem is i cant get it to boot properly when theyre both in to run memtest :()

nb. when i leave just one stick in and try boot the mobo diag leds go to "1 light on, 3 lights off". but when i put both sticks in and try boot the mobo diag leds go to "2 lights on, 2 lights off"
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yes, i have them in slots DIMM2 + DIMM4 which are the recommended ones from DFI.

i also, as a precaution, just flashed the bios to the very latest one (april release)

i was on version 623 and have been for a long time stably and without problems, but just now flashed to this newer one, i can post with dual channel now, but when i run memtest around the test7or8 with both sticks in, it crashes.... hmmmm
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ive set everything to optimised defaults in the bios, and i can boot into windows fine if i just have one stick in DIMM2 (doesnt matter which stick)

but when i put them both in (DIMM2+DIMM4 )(in dual channel) it gives me loads of errors on Test8 of memtest (also tested in DIMM1+3 same problem)

even though when i run them both individually in memtest in DIMM2 (for a few runs) theres absolutely no errors reported

Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2

okay basically;

ive had this computer with most of these components (dfi mobo and corsair ram) in and running for a long while (over a year) without a problem - its been perfectly fine in that duration.
then yesterday i was doing a prime stress test at 2.7ghz overclock and also fiddling about with my fan controller (whilst the pc was on), the pc just rebooted suddenly, maybe it was the cpu not stable or maybe it was some live contact was made somewhere with the motherboard and a fan controller pin.. i genuinely have no idea if a pin touched it or not..

and since then its been giving me all this trouble..

the reason i flashed the bios was because it was giving me aload of different post messages sometimes 4 lights on, sometimes 3 lights on, sometimes 2 lights on, sometimes 1 light on - which means i couldnt logically narrow it down to anyone of the cpu/mem/vga/bios

so i thought the bios might have been corrupted, so i flashed it to the newer one, and then it posted, which was a mini-success.

ive tested both memory sticks on their own, with two versions of memtest, one from their website, and one included within the dfi bios. both report no errors after about 5 passes each on each stick. so theoretically they are "fine".

but the minute i try them in dual channel and get to test8 it reports loads of errors. the result is similar in both DIMM2+4 and DIMM1+3. it will not boot properly into windows with both sticks in. which makes me think perhaps the motherboard memory controller is gone or something?

i can boot into windows using just one single stick in DIMM1 or 2 (all lights go out and pc runs) and i have run stress prime, for a long period without the cpu failing, but when i try to load up a game (which i presume is utilising the memory aswell?) then it just reboots.

so i would presume from that, it is NOT my cpu? i dont know..

and if the memtests are completing fine individually, then why in dual channel is it failing? because individually the memory stick are "fine"?

im running out of ideas, other than buy a new motherboard and see if thats the problem, and/or try and test my cpu/ram at a friends house to see if one of those is borked (hes not currently available though)

to confirm;
one stick in DIMM1 or 2 = posts, boots into windows, reboots when running a game but not a stress test
two sticks in DIMM1+3 or 2+4 = posts, attempts to boot into windows, fails just before loading.

bioses are all on optimised defaults.

when i try to fiddle with some of the bios settings to change ram timings, some times it works, and will post, and other times it wont.

im really running out of ideas here...
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i am running everything on stock, and have been for the duration of this problem period.

sometimes when i change the voltages in the bios it will post, sometimes it wont, which results in me having to clear cmos, and start all over...

also; i am unable to post in any form of overclocked state.
yes ive tried upping the voltage on the chipset from 1.5v to 1.6v
and the same for the cpu from "Startup" to 1.55v
and the same for the mem from 2.6v to 2.7v

all as suggested by the corsair ram guy who posted those on a ultra-d + 2gb3200xmsc2 thread in corsair support forums

but again with 2 sticks in, it wont boot into windows regardless of the voltages
but with 1 stick sometimes it will (more often than not), but then other times it wont and i have to clear cmos to get it to post again (dependant on the bios changes i make)

minstadave heres the screenshot of the pc health status in bios and ite readings when its booted;
PSU : Enermax Liberty 500W (been running this fine for a while too)


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i will have a go with one of the newer beta bioses too

what i dont get is it worked for over a year perfectly well, then after that system hang, the memory doesnt work in dual channel on this mothebroard not even on the older bios.

are you 100% sure that its just the memory thats causing theses problems?
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ive tried the beta bios, its no better, infact it posts less than the official one, and the errors are still there. i also tried to overclock the cpu and it wont have it in the slightest. just ends up not posting, and having to clear cmos again.

i dont actually think its just the memory, i think its got something to do with the motherboard after that shutdown that occured that i described earlier, maybe the memory controller or cpu went, which is why i can run it one single stick alone, but not dual channel... (but if it was the cpu then why can i stress prime for a long time with no problems, play games, and do everything normally(except at 1gb)?) (however not overclock - it wont have that regardless of what ram combination i have in...)

the most common LED display now is either it will fully post=no LEDs, or it will leave 3 LEDs on, which is the diagnostic combo for Memory Load failure..

in answer to trying 3-3-3-8, yes i tried that too. and memtested it. but i will repeat with this bios. i will also have a go underclocking the ram..

what i dont want to do, is buy new memory and then find out it was the motherboard/cpu..

if i can get hold of my friends socket939 mobo and his cpu/ram etc. then i can test out each thing individually and try and pinpoint whats faulty... but that wont be possible untill the middle of next week.. (if at all)
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ran memtest on both sticks invidually at 3-3-3-8 both were fine, no errors

now im doing a memtest with both of them in there (DIMM2+4) at the same timings as above...

lets see what happens... probably the exact same as before..
yup failed on test8 giving me errors all over the show

nothing i can do for the moment, will just have to wait untill i can get my hands on another 939 cpu/mobo and some similar ram... so i can eliminate the suspects
if the cpu was faulty in any way would this be possible? (i ran it overnight... totally stable...)

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my gut feeling is its either the motherboard (75%) or possibly the cpu (25%)

not right now, i will have to wait for my friend to come back from uni before im able to get my hands on another test bed (939 mobo, 2gb of different ram, and a 939 cpu) :(

btw, forgot to thank you for helping me, those who have contributed. :)

im going to wipe the hdd and make a clean install of windows, then try and boot into that with 2gb in... since it reboots just before getting into windows it could possibly be a driver problem, although i heavily doubt it, have to negate all the possibilities though.
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it is a retail version cpu, bought new, and i think i still may have the receipt somewhere... (as i say though, its been running fine for over a year on various levels both stock and overclocked, btw does that void the warranty?)

i will run the other stick on stress prime tonight, to negate that from the list.

and also, how do i set it so they run together but not in dual channel? (noob question)

i also tried putting them in DIMM1+2 (one in orange slot and one in yellow slot) and it wouldnt post
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i tried the other memory stick over night, like suggested, ran perfectly for 7 hours+

so what do we think is the problem gentlemen? :)

because im veering of the idea that theres anything wrong with the memory, i think its gotta be the cpu mem controller or something on the motherboard
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i have my friends pc here now, i ran my 2 sticks in memtest in his pc - no errors at all.

so its definately not the ram (which is a relief).
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