
Never used it myself, will it actually end? :p

Apparently it runs 4 passes of whatever tests its doing. I've stopped it and emailed Corsair with the outcome as I need my PC back for work.

3913 errors. At least I still have 16gb to use lol.
Just incase can you go over what cpu, mobo and ram it is?

I am skeptical about RAM being an issue most of the time. It's tested at the factory and then shipped out. The chips don't suddenly say "sorry chief i ain't doing this speed no more". Make sure you do a full cmos reset to get rid of any weird settings from previous ram and also make sure you have the RAM in the correct slots.
Just incase can you go over what cpu, mobo and ram it is?

I am skeptical about RAM being an issue most of the time. It's tested at the factory and then shipped out. The chips don't suddenly say "sorry chief i ain't doing this speed no more". Make sure you do a full cmos reset to get rid of any weird settings from previous ram and also make sure you have the RAM in the correct slots.

This was the original set I purchased when I moved to AM4. I later picked up another 16gb set, identicle set that is, to give me 32gb.
5900x (stock)
B550 tomahawk
32gb DDR4 Corsair Vengeance Pro (now 16gb and running under XMP)

Tested the 2nd set I purchased, was fine, 1st set was showing errors.
@tamzzy That's my understanding anyway. For example if we take b-die. There are good and bad b-die and it's up to the manufacturer to try those chips and give it some form of voltage to see if it passes say 3200C14 criteria. If it doesn't it goes into a lower bin such as 3200C16. If a manufacturer just randomly decided to put any B-Die chips they bought from Samsung and claimed it did 3200C14 at 1.35v the company wouldn't be in business for long.

@snips86x Seems like they probably are faulty in this regard. I'm pretty sure Corsair likes to change the chips in the Pro memory so maybe one set is a different pcb/chips to the other set and the motherboard doesn't like it.
2311 errors in 27 minutes? That's benchmark stable that LMAO

Did you run a Thaiphoon report on each set of sticks to make sure they have same IMC / memory chip? I think corsair use a bunch of different IMC's as long as they hit the XMP but perhaps mobo is setting a sub-timing some of the sticks can't handle. Had an issue with some AMD Bioses in Dec/Jan setting stupid XMP values for TRFC (on MSI anyways, ASUS board didn't have the issue, though they had many more of their own)

I've added 2 further 8gb sticks to existing 2x8gb set but chips are the same across all 4 sticks being micron rev e, so luckily XMP holds. My previous 2 stick OC crashes in BIOS., currently tuning when I have some free time and down to 3733c14. You might have some luck manually tuning, hopefully RMA comes through though.
That's my understanding anyway. For example if we take b-die. There are good and bad b-die and it's up to the manufacturer to try those chips and give it some form of voltage to see if it passes say 3200C14 criteria.
I doubt binning is equivalent to validating each and every chip
This was the original set I purchased when I moved to AM4. I later picked up another 16gb set, identicle set that is, to give me 32gb.
5900x (stock)
B550 tomahawk
32gb DDR4 Corsair Vengeance Pro (now 16gb and running under XMP)

Tested the 2nd set I purchased, was fine, 1st set was showing errors.
I have a B550 tomahawk and I'm having trouble getting memtest86 to start. I used it with a Gigabyte X570 aorus elite no problems. Only option I can't try it using CSM instead of UEFI mode because the bios doesn't seem to have that option. I wanted to start trying a bit of overclocking but don't want to risk loading windows without first a pass of test #7 memtest86+.
I have a B550 tomahawk and I'm having trouble getting memtest86 to start. I used it with a Gigabyte X570 aorus elite no problems. Only option I can't try it using CSM instead of UEFI mode because the bios doesn't seem to have that option. I wanted to start trying a bit of overclocking but don't want to risk loading windows without first a pass of test #7 memtest86+.

You booting it off a pen drive i assume? I'm not sure I can be of much help, I just created the bootable drive from the ISO and then rebooted and selected the drive under F12 boot options (if it's F12).
I have a B550 tomahawk and I'm having trouble getting memtest86 to start. I used it with a Gigabyte X570 aorus elite no problems. Only option I can't try it using CSM instead of UEFI mode because the bios doesn't seem to have that option. I wanted to start trying a bit of overclocking but don't want to risk loading windows without first a pass of test #7 memtest86+.

memtest86 is uefi so csm isn't needed. To change to csm mode for whatever reason go to ez mode and in the bottom right is a way to toggle between uefi/csm. You must then f10 to save changes and reboot for this to work.

Easiest way to boot memtest86 is plug it in the back with the pc off then mash f11. You should then see your usb stick with 2 partitions on it. Press enter on partition 1.

The problem is 4 sticks of that ram will not work on that motherboard sometimes, depends on the version number of the sticks. If they are these ( CMW16GX4M2K3600C16 ver4.31 ) they are on the QVL and will allow 4 sticks to work correctly. What model number and version are the sticks and speed ?

Make sure your ram is on this QVL and it has a tick on 4 DIMMS at the end, if 2 only means only 2 sticks will work. The fun of AM4 and some Intel boards too if you don't check the QVL.

If they are on the QVL then test each stick one by one with Memtest to rule out bad sticks, just make sure they are the right version number on the QVL too, if not they may show errors too when 4 sticks are in but test fine when testing each stick on its own.
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The problem is 4 sticks of that ram will not work on that motherboard.

i find it very strange when people say this. if the board has 4 slots then its designed to run all 4 slots at once. if it doesnt then its faulty or ram compatibility issue.

id not be happy if i got a 4 cylinder engine and only 2 cylinders work
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