Men of War

Ive been playing the Multiplayer Beta from Fileplanet and think its great. Was a huge company of heroes fan, but this plays differently. Took me a few tries to get into it. The single player demo was rubbish I thought, but after getting into MP its fun!

Be warned that there are hardly any tooltips and its hard to get in to and understand at first, but if you stick with it then there's nothing more fun than racing along in an M18 tank destroyer with paper thin armour, trying to get close enough to a large german jadpanther tank whilst avoiding it's shots! Hit the tracks and it then cant turn so its a turkey shoot after that as you drive behind it and hit the back armour... Dont even try shooting the front armour as it wont do anything! Hit the engine block and BOOM! A lot of the time though the german tank will hit you before you manage to get into range or to the side of it to hit the tracks :(
Its not released in the USA for ages yet, so I'm sure they'll be fixing bugs and Ive come across a lot of sound bugs in the beta where sounds just dont play. Its only £17.99 on a certain mail order site so decided to just buy it to play with a mate CO-OP single player as although the demo was a bit lame, I'm sure co-op on the later levels will be a lot better as the demo is only the first mission!
Just downloaded and played a small bit of the demo, I thought it was pretty good, but I really like the idea of co-op in it.
Does anyone know any details about the co-op in it? I.e. how many players it supports and if it plays through the single player campaign or whether they are separate campaigns :)

Supports 4 players in co-op. Was playing with my housemate earlier today. Basically each mission is played individually. After you complete a mission, it goes back to the lobby and the host can choose the next one if they want to, etc. Only annoying thing is that you cant save in co-op mode! So if your PC crashes or you mess up then its back to the start you go. Quite annoying considering the games can take an hour or so for a mission. :mad:
Because it takes ******* forever to repair anything. During which time you've got a guy exposed and under fire while he's trying to repair it. I normally don't bother unless it's a critical tank I need and can setup a good cover line while it's being repaired.

Oh and only certain soldiers have repair kits.

You pick up the repair kits from tanks. Your soldiers dont carry them normally, but any soldier can repair a tank so long as there is a repair kit lying about.

Press TAB to highlight all the dropped items and have a look for repair kits, guns, etc to nick!
That sounds really good! I will have to get my housemates to buy it as well! :D

The issue of lack of saving does sound like it could be frustrating, but it sounds like it works the same as CoD WaW and that seems to work ok.

Yeah basically its like WaW. Played the first mission earlier and was good fun as my housemate was in the tank and I was infantry providing support! I had to shout at him across the flat a few times saying "MOVE YOUR TANK TO THE WEST!! INCOMING TANKS!" as he was busy facing the wrong way shooting infantry and one shot to the rear would mean we would lose the tank for the whole mission! Teamspeak would be useful or voip!
Seems there are numerous versions out there! Cant find any multiplayer games to join at the mo and noticed the version numbers. Seems the UK release is 1.2.0 and the russian version is 1.6.0 and there are a few other versions too so you cant join those. Had a look on the forums and they are hoping to release a patch this week to bring everyone to the same version so we can all play together! Until then, you'll have to play with people that have the same version.

In the game list, the numbers in the last column show the game version with the number at the top of that column being your version apparently.
Anyone know if you can play skirmish against the AI a la COH?

Nope. No AI skirmishes. Online it is human battles only or co-op :(

How does everyone else find performance of the game? Runs slow on mine when things get going and I turned down all graphical detail which didnt make a difference at all! I'm on a 8800GT 512mb so graphics wise should be OK, but have a Athlon X2 4200 which could be the bottleneck? Turning down graphics makes no difference so CPU is the main cause I reckon?
I think COH is more polished than MoW overall but they play differently. I dont get stressed playing MoW as not having to spent 30mins building a base and shouting at the screen when you keep getting artilleried or the AI is messing up like in CoH (because in MoW you can manually control your tanks!) makes a difference.

I found I could play CoH for longer online as it felt more involving, but because of that it was more stressful. MoW I can just pick up and play for an hour or so casually and it doesnt feel pressured like CoH does!

Getting the CoH expansion though :D
I finished the first mission which probably took me 3 hours to complete, Looked at the second level brief and thought OMG its the second level and they want me to defend? I can see i will have problems with this too.

Any tips from anyone???

Backspace is your friend ;) You can slow down time so things are more manageable.
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