Merging 2 Audio Sources

1 Feb 2006
Um not sure if this is a stupid but is it possible to merge the output audio from 2 sources (computers, 3.5mm jack) to one jack?

I want to sort out a 2 computer setup but would like the audio of both to be routed through the same speakers.
I *think* you can just connect them together without any form of processing (other than the necessary wiring). Best wait 'till someone with a bit more knowledge and experience can confirm this though.

Re 2 computer setups; Don't do it! Life is much better with only one personal system (servers are fine though). Why? Syncronising data etc. is a right pain even if you do have sync software. Ignore me if you aren't bothered about syncronisation though, or already have a killer plan.

Hope this helps :)
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