Not really - assuming you choose quiet HDD's (Samsung are good) and Fans (Papst, Panaflo, Akasa Amber, Yate Loon) then you shouldn't have any problems with noise.
One thing you possibly should be aware of is that loads of mesh doesn't always give better cooling.
Pretty much everything in your case is cooled by conduction. The heat sink conducts heat away from the processor and into the fins where it is transferred by conduction (and a little convection) into the air or water (if it's water cooled).
The best conduction happens between the coldest air and the hottest metal surface - heat travelling down a concentration gradient. If the air temperature is very close to the heat sink temperature then the conduction is slow and inefficient.
In practise you need to change the air around the hot things on a regular basis to keep them cool. The faster you change the air, the better. The more air, the better.
Cases that are very open need loads of fans to keep changing the air. Closed cases need really only one exhaust fan as the air will usually bleed into the case from outside, but they usually have an intake fan as well.
The more fans, the more noise. So, by having a big mesh front, you need more fans to keep the air moving so you generate more noise.
Sorry if you found that un-necessary, but these sorts of cases seem to be more and more common and they generally don't work that well (Gigabyte with mesh side panel, Stacker 830) so people are quite disappointed by them.