Meshify 2 fan hub

23 Jan 2005
Hi do you use the fan hub or connect direct to the mb header, connected the supplied fans to the hub but nothing shows in the bios ?
How does the fan hub in the case work?
The Nexus+ 2 fan hub is a PWM fan hub which distributes the signals from the main header to the rest of the fans, making them go at the same percentage of their maximum speed.

The main header is marked in the manual, and on the hub, it's marked as FAN1. This needs to have at least 1 PWM fan connected to it in order for you to control the fans on the hub, considering it's the only header that receives and sends signals to the motherboard. It does not need to be the CPU-cooler connected to the header, but it has to be a 4-pin PWM unit. You don't have to connect the hub to the CPU_FAN header either, but have it on a 4-pin PWM-header(avoid the AIO_PUMP header, since it's sometimes set to run at 100%).

It is not possible to control the fans on the hub separately. They will all be run at the same percentage.

Hi everything is working fine case fans start and stop but there is nothing showing in the bios for their speed
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