Messagelabs vs Webroot

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
Currently we're using Messagelabs for email filtering which has served us well for the last 10 years however it's not the cheapest on the market so I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Webroot?

Is it's just as good but with a cheaper interface or should I stay safe and stick with Messagelabs?
We went from Messagelabs to Mimecast - miles better and cheaper plus they do offline email so if we loose our exchange system users can access mail via the mimecast web portal and still send receive email as if they were on outlook and exchange.
I dont know webroot so dont know if there offering is similar/as good/better than mimecast.
I've used Postini in the past, the same system used by Google. Cannot fault it in the slightest. Their only downside was that unless you could put through an insane amount of business through them, you had to go to a reseller instead.

Highly recommend it though!
Where I am at the moment has Webroot email filtering/security and I recommend it. Very easy to control and setup.

No real complaints here to be honest. The only issues we've ever had to my recollection is sometimes the archive doesn't work but a quick call usually fixes it.
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