Meta Name...

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

I would like to find out how I get my site on top spot in google..

Is it all to do with the words I put into "meta names"??

The site is already up and has had the same address for a number of years its a charity..

Im just unclear about how they can reach top spot on google? Or close enough...

All help would be most appreciated

do I email them asking whether they would do it? obvisiously I would return the favour?

other then that what are the other ways?
why do you want to be no'1 for a charity?

must be very competitive

do you want your site to show up when people search for "charity"?

just so that you know... meta tags are not that useful for higher rankings. The one very useful meta tag is "description" as it usually shows up in the google index.
xirokx said:
Is it all to do with the words I put into "meta names"??
Other than getting good inbound links from high-ranking and relevant sites as already mentioned, it's all about content and how you arrange it.

Meta keywords are almost completely ignored these days, so concentrate on getting the actual document optimised for the keywords you're targeting. Make sure it's got a structure; use the <title>, <h1>s, <h2>s, <p>araraphs and so on. Make sure the keywords you're targeting are mentioned in important places on your page so that the search engine gets the idea that the page is about a particular subject. Have a browse of for articles. This one seems quite a good starting point.

As blade007 commented on, don't try and optimise for very generic words like 'charity', as it's likely to be too much hard work. Target relevant keywords that are specific to your site, and more likely to be typed in. If it's a charity for the homeless in London's Westminster, then target 'homeless charity westminster' and 'london homeless charity', for example.
its not to be competitive...sorry perhaps I described it incorrectly..

The charity works with preventing autism, the dr is a leading specialist one of 3 on the planet...therefore I just wanted her treatment to be found easily for people seeking such a service..

Augmented has already given you all the important points ... content, construction, linking. (don't use too much time on meta ... a lot of people think that these make a difference ... but they are a tiny part of the rest)
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