metal detecting

Only time I use a metal detector is for hunting for arrows, not exactly sad as they can cost a lot each and aren't the friendliest of things to get stuck in a leg/pet; tend to look for a lot when teaching and its rare I need to look for my own so they do have some dedicated uses :D
I used to live on a promenade and would see people out early morning searching before the council tractor sand cleaners would dredge the beach. Mainly in summer time, knowing full well the heavy populated beach will have daily burried treasure.

But I mean early, and they did look a bit sad. :p
Only time I use a metal detector is for hunting for arrows, not exactly sad as they can cost a lot each and aren't the friendliest of things to get stuck in a leg/pet; tend to look for a lot when teaching and its rare I need to look for my own so they do have some dedicated uses :D

You need a metal detector to find the arrows stuck in your pet? :p
My phone can do this! :/ :p


And I remember a time where I was sat on the beach watching a guy walk past with a metal detector. A well aimed throw of a 2p coin several meters ahead of him had him burrowing for it like a rabbit.

Went straight in his pouch and off he walked. I thought it would be satisfying, but I really needed that 2p :(
On the beach here ( Weymouth ) during the winter storms you normally get about 10 - 15 people with metal detectors in the morning sweeping the beach at low tide for things that may have washed up.
I'm in Weymouth too esk'; Weymouth also has a club with the website showing local finds. Did consider metal detecting for a while but then thought not.
very sad when the ******** dig holes in the local park and leave them open; holes and deep divots all over the place but no one seems to see 'em digging.
In Magaluf this old dear would go along the beach on an evening with a sieve and collect a load of dropped coins.
bought one when i spit with my wife, with the image of taking my young son who was about 5 at the time with me looking for buried treasure.
I'd always been fascinated by treasure huntung. However it never really got used.
6 years later (and a few months ago) i went into the garage to look for it with the thoughts of having another go at finding treasure with it.....and found that Big Al (our house rabbit) had eaten through the wires!
Bugger! :rolleyes:

So, i understand the percieved 'sadness' of it all, but its quite exciting when you think you're onto a find..........then it turns out to be an old paint tin lid you shot holes in with yer dads pellet gun 20 years previously and then buried the evidence in the garden.....:eek:
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Did this when I was like 8 or so too, never actually found anything doing to other than a load of old crap - nails, bottle lids, ect..

I did once find a very old coin (not metal detecting) which I have yet to find out what it is though.. this thread just reminded me :D
If you're 9 and just got a metal detector from christmas then no.

If you are some middle aged dude in a trench coat on a beach at 10am wandering around scouling at people who get in their way and picking up bits of old tin cans then yes.
You need a metal detector to find the arrows stuck in your pet? :p

Don't take the dog with me shooting, ever. Need the detector for finding arrows in long grass for things like field shooting (large polystyrene targets for customers) as they tend to be pretty hard to see in long grass even when really brightly coloured :(
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