Metal Drinking straws....

22 Aug 2009
random as this may seem but im after some metal/stainless steel drinking straws.

thought id ask u lot as this is such a diverse forum, full of wierd and wonderful people and you may know where i can source them from within the UK :D searched the internetz, however all sellers are in the US of A this perhaps

Just get a bit of small gauge copper pipe.
Copper is not a great choice unless lacquered.

Citric acid in lemon or lime will dissolve the oxide layer off the copper and give whatever you drink a nasty metallic taste. Straws will however come up nice and shiny :p

Sorry, can't help on where to buy bendy metal straws.
The only thing I have seen over here are stainless steel spoon straws, but at around 2.50 each only really any use if you want a small numbner of them.
I didnt even know they made metal strawns... i thought the whole point was that they were a dissposable hygenic thingy.

Im interested in th ehistory of the straw now im off to the Internetz ##laptop**** keyboard ****
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