Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Anyone know what the Game Collection are like for pre orders? Got this with them, but wouldn't mind taking a punt with Simply for the off chance it'll roll up early.
Do you /is it best to have played any of the previous mgs games to play this? Sounds so good from the reviews.

It's not a pre-requisite. I'm pretty sure you could enjoy MGS5 without playing the previous titles, especially as it's strongest point appears to be gameplay rather than storytelling. You'll miss out on some references but I've played all of the major releases since MGS1 on the Playstation and to be honest it's really hard to keep track of all the story elements anyway.
This is a good read if you want an idea of what's going on, although the fact there are about a billion characters called Snake and Boss will probably fry your noggin. Obviously there are spoilers for the other games in that storyline so if you're planning to or playing the previous games don't read it, but he has omitted any MGS5 or Zeros spoilers.

Surprisingly I've just had a dispatch confirmation for my order from simplygames.. :eek: don't jinx it.
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Thanks gord and TheVoice, really appreciate it. I think I'll read up on that and then order it - and btw great choice with simplygames, I always use them... they're outstanding.
Annoyingly I've just moved house and haven't had a chance to change my CC address yet so I can't order from simply games :( Oh well, will have to wait until Tuesday. Glad I've got next Wednesday off though :D
Just had my despatch notification from Simply Games, ordered yesterday.

Downloads MGS Ground Zeros last night as I hadn't played anything since Metal Gear solid on PS1, massive change in gameplay but I spent a good hour just sneaking backwards and forwards watching the guards. Looking forward to the new one as the graphics are probably the best I've seen so far on PS4!
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