Metal Gear Solid announced for iPhone

15 Dec 2007

It's an original title set in the MGS4 universe, and consists of 8 stages (with the promise of more to be made available later). It's obviously controlled via the touchpad (as opposed to the accelerometer), with a sniping screenshot looking a lot like the iPhone's zoom-in text editing setup.

MGS obsessives will be well catered for, with bonus points accrued through gameplay able to be traded in to unlock stuff like Metal Gear iPhone wallpapers.

It's due for a worldwide release in Spring 2009.

Cool :)
*engage rant mode*
Oh dear, another sodding dev jumps on the iphone 'gaming' bandwagon. Am I the only one getting sick to death of game after game after game, and the distinct lack of truly useful utilities on the appstore?

It's come to the point when I actually look forward to jailbreaking my 3G so I can get my hands on some truly useful software.
There are plenty of innovative games on the appStore. What devs ARE doing wrong is trying to shoehorn traditional gaming genres onto a device that has no buttons. Any game that has on-screen controls for UDLR is fail tbh.
How do you move if there are no buttons?
Devs tend to make use of the accelerotomtotererer so you end up waving your arms around like a demented ****. Try 'Spinner' on the appstore to see what I mean.
The problem with gaming on the iPhone, is that there's no proper way to control what you're doing without obscuring the screen. The lack of tactility means that even with a decent screen-based control pad, it'll still never be any good for most people as you constantly have to look where you've got your fingers as well as at what you're trying to do. I've not done any gaming on the iPhone (of this nature) as it seems completely counter-intuitive.
Darren, you have stormed in here like a man who wanted it badly for Xbox. ;)

Doesn't look it'll be up to much I must agree.
Hehe, I've never played a metal snake/solid whateveritis called game before. I'm just getting tired of hearing EA etc blurting out on a daily basis about how they'll bring great games to the Touch/Phone platform. Sod that, the phone can't handle much filesize wise so they're obviously in it to sell you just a few teaser levels and cash in on the game that way. They're doing nothing for the phone imo.

I'm still waiting for the quality utilities to arrive, that is what I praised the jailbreak apps and devs ages ago when I first jailbroke my Touch. I want to see apps like Intelliscreen, which is sadly impossible thanks to Apple's silly rules :/
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