Metal Gear Solid Compatibility On The Playstation 2

4 Nov 2003
Belfast, Northern Ireland
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't played Metal Gear Solid 1 or 2 :o . I have played Metal Gear Solid 3 however :) . I've decided to do something about that and that is to purchase second hand copies of the two games in question. Now obviously there shouldn't be any problem playing Sons of Liberty on the Playstation 2 as that was the console it was released on. However, my questions relate to the compatibility of Metal Gear Solid 1 on the Playstation 2.

1. Can members on the forum that have played Metal Gear Solid 1 on their Playstation 2 please confirm if it works problem free please?

2. Do you need a Playstation 1 Memory Card in order to save your Metal Gear Solid 1 game saves to or does the Playstation 2 8MB Memory Card do the job equally as well :confused:

Thanks. ;)

NokkonWud said:
It plays fine on the Playstation 2, however you will need a Playstation (1) Memory Card.

That's great news that it works fine. I can pick up a Playstation 1 memory card easily enough off that famous auction website so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks for the quick reply by the way ;)

edit: Just while I'm on the topic of backwards compatibility I'll just take the opportunity to say that I'm not particularly fussed about the European PS3's lack of full support for backwards compatibility. I intend to keep my Playstation 2 for many many years and as a result does not affect me. Obviously it would have been nice if it had full backwards compatibility with Playstation 1 and 2 games, but it doesn't bother me that much as the Playstation 2 does that job perfectly. seeing as nearly everyone has got a Playstion 2, I think the issue is kind of blown out of proportion. But that said, it was another promise that Sony made and broke. Oh well!

/looks forward to playing through the trilogy before MGS4 comes out :)

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Actually MGS does have isssues with the PS2. It's one of the very few games that does, and I'm not even sure it affects all revisions of the PS2. When you complete it, it hangs just before the credits I think. But it seems to only happen the first time you complete it. If you have a save that was completed on a PS1 you can load that up on a PS2 and play through the whole thing fine including the credits and unlocking secret items.

So it's not really a big deal but it's a pain if you want to get the secret items and don't have an old PS1 handy just for the last bit.
Psyk said:
Actually MGS does have isssues with the PS2. It's one of the very few games that does, and I'm not even sure it affects all revisions of the PS2. When you complete it, it hangs just before the credits I think. But it seems to only happen the first time you complete it. If you have a save that was completed on a PS1 you can load that up on a PS2 and play through the whole thing fine including the credits and unlocking secret items.

So it's not really a big deal but it's a pain if you want to get the secret items and don't have an old PS1 handy just for the last bit.

Damn, that's not good news. Hopefully I won't eperience this issue when I complete the game. I did a quick google for problems with Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation 2 and it didn't turn up anything. Well, when I do get round to completing it, I'll be sure to post back my results in this thread for future reference if need be.


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