Metal Gear Solid V: Getting Small pauses every 10-15 seconds.

16 Nov 2011
This game runs really well on my rig, fantastic even, but i have one issue

Anyone else have this issue? I get a rock solid 60fps always but every 10-15 seconds i get this judder like a frame skip, tried vsync on/off locking fps etc.

i7 4790k, SLi 970 (But i am only using 1 for this game as i only use the second if needing the extra power) 16GB Hyper X RAM and on a 1080P Monitor (Acer Gsync)
Hmmmm, well double check it didn't get reenabled or something. You got the 355.82 game ready drivers?

got the drivers, reinstalled em aswell to test, its definitely on fullscreen.

Vsync makes me sad

Other option is to buy nvidias moody gsync module monitors.

I dont mind vsync, plug in a controller and play i dont feel any lag, i definitely do on mouse though.
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