Metal Gear solid

13 Jan 2004
I was thinking of buying another gamecube (sold mine) in time for the next zelda game, and argos have them for £50 with mario kart at the moment. just a quick question, is the metal gear solid game on GC the first and second games from ps/ps2? i bought mgs3 on friday but my mate said to wait and play the first two first, id rather play it on gc because i dont think i would be able to put up with ps1 graphics.
I think it's only Metal Gear Solid 1 on the GameCube. I don't think 2 was ever released on the GC.
Yep that's the one, as well as the graphics I think it has a few of the gameplay touches from the second game - first person shooting and tranq dart guns.
hehe if u buy GC from argos, get the extra controller, mem card and free gamke pack too! only cost me £2.50 for a pad, card and game on top of thr £49.99 for the console!!
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