Metro 2033 (Redux). Am I missing something with it?

8 Mar 2013
I tried Metro 2033 when the game first came out, and thought it was boring clunky repetitive and above all, frustrating garbage. Time has passed, the game has continued to get raved about, and then Metro 2033 redux is released with souped up graphics, and this game, is getting unequivocal rave reviews.... I picked it up cheap in the Steam sale......and I am finding it as equally unsatisfying as the original.

Now, I like single player shooter games, and even better are shooter games with a cool story, but Bioshock, Dishonored, or Fear 1, or Far Cry 1, this game just aint, yet it gets rave user reviews as though it was up there with the classics.

Am I missing something with it?

Did anyone feel the same as I do with the game to begin with, but who persevered and ended up enjoying the game?
If you found it boring and repetitive, why did you think it would be any different on a more optimised engine?

For me the games decent, looks great but nothing ground breaking and it didn't need to be.

On the other hand I found Dishonoured to be one of the most boring games i've played. It did nothing particularly great but people loved it.

We all have different tastes, likes and dislikes.
I have played the original Metro 2033 , also picked up the Redux on the sales as well and im playing through it again as i have a new graphics card so i can have it on max detail.

need to go through Last Night Redux , but yeah i know what you mean ... i went through the Wolfenstien New Order and i didnt feel like it was an AAA title .
The problem with Metro games is the hand holding, story driven gameplay.

As for the actual game I think it's great but I don't expect anything more from Eastern European developers as they seem to be stuck in the post apocalyptic era. However a 4A Malta logo was spotted in an Oculus presentation so they could be cooking up something new.
I feel the same way. The problem I have with it (and this goes for any FPS game) is when you're fighting monsters etc - it seems like you're just walking backwards around a room shooting things, and getting hurt every time you need to reload. I really don't like that style of gameplay at all.
i bought metro 2033 when it first came out and didn't like it so never played it enough to complete it, but i went back to play it last week because i had no other games to play and i have now completed it and i have to say i enjoyed the game play but im still not a fan of the story line
Guess I am the odd one out here as I loved it and at the moment measure other games aginst it. It did take me 2 or 3 attempts to get into it. But once it gets going the atmosphere and story line are very compelling. The end of last light was **** tho.
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I quite enjoyed it but I wouldn't say great, the story and atmosphere were pretty good and the gameplay was okay.

Can't quite believe you purchased the redux though after not liking it, if I disliked a film on DVD then I certainly wouldn't buy the blu-ray to see if I found that any better.
I liked it but didnt love it tbh, i came to it late too with the redux at xmas time. Played through it and found it was gorgeous for sure, but almost too linear and found the pacing a bit off for my tastes. Break up with a companion, find another, leave them, find another, just felt like you were just following people about
I loved the Metro series, great atmosphere, good gunplay and awesome graphics. The linearity didnt bother me at all which is odd as I normally hate it but in Metro it wasnt a negative factor.
I think you've missed the story :p

Absolute favourite the Metro series, the story and atmosphere is superb just ticked all the right boxes for me. The third game is in the pipeline!

I'm not one for these games where you have to spend hours learning the game and all the buttons, I put two years into WoW and that was enough!
I feel the same way. The problem I have with it (and this goes for any FPS game) is when you're fighting monsters etc - it seems like you're just walking backwards around a room shooting things, and getting hurt every time you need to reload. I really don't like that style of gameplay at all.


I think I have a pretty good idea about what makes for a compelling 1st person shooter, and 'whack a mole' game mechanics isn't that. Metro 2033 is quite a hard game, but not in a good way, only in the way that it is hard if you are doing the 'wrong' thing'. Approach the battles the right way, and it is very easy, because the AI is very very dumb. Combine this with the eternally dark environments and the constant need to rumage around absolutely everywhere for ammo, and I really struggle to see what the fuss is all about.


It did take me 2 or 3 attempts to get into it. But once it gets going the atmosphere and story line are very compelling. The end of last light was **** tho.

..... perhaps I need to give it one big final chance.......especially since I bought Last Night (Redux) as well.
I found it really boring and repetitive when it first came it, up there with the worst games I played. Bought redux version and last light recently to give it another chance. gave up on 2033 pretty much straight away but last light I found enjoyable, though was a bit easy
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