MFG flight sim pedals

Ha, snap :)

Mine just arrived on Thursday last week (3 month order to delivery) - not actually had a chance to try them yet though!

My only criticism is that the base they sit on is quite narrow, so when you put one foot on at a time they can wobble/topple. Obviously the low profile of the pedals means they don't "fall over" or anything like that, just that they move when you don't have both feet on them.

Of course, there's mounting holes so that you can attach them to the ground, or do what I'm going to do and attach them to a wider piece of ply board.

EDIT: Anything specific you want to know? My real flight experience is limited to about 20 hours in 2 and 4 seater fixed wing aircraft (so is no where near as informed as others that have reviewed these) but for what it's worth they look and feel the business.


EDIT2: Found the video that sums up my thoughts exactly about the base - skip to 12:12:
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Ah great stuff, ive seen a few write ups did a bit of research before hand
I am going to mount mine on a shelf about 3 inches off the floor under my desk as i place my feet there all the time and the height seems to suit me. if not like you say on a piece of ply.
ive got a November delivery estimate cant wait in all honesty.
im just getting back into flight sims after about 8-10 years away getting all geared up
got hold of a warthog HOTAS think im going to play DCS used to play MS flight sim and combat flight sim previously
friends who still play say DCS is about the best on the market right now and apprently its due a major upgrade to graphics

let me know how they feel when you get around to using them

Yeah, looking forward to DCS1.5 which is MEANT to be out this month which, as you mention, is the engine update.

I'm hoping for increased performance to make using my Oculus Rift easier as right now, with everyone on low, it JUST hits the minimum required FPS (75fps) with 2xGTX980's.

Currently DCS is notoriously CPU bound with minimal optimisation of models.
My god they look awesome.
I currently have the Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals, and they do the job okay, but the movement isn't that fluid really. I'm not a massive fan of the toe breaking either, as I find it difficult to get the right amount of pressure on without shifting my body to a different angle, so something that could help with that would be awesome.

Just starting out actual flying lessons at the moment as well, had 1 x 50 minute experience at one school, and having another hour lesson at a closer one.
I've had a set of Simped Vario Pro's for years and other than missing the toe brake axis functions on them I just can't see any reason to replace them, plus i can use them one footed :p
im still waiting another month i guess i knew it would be a wait but anyone got a time machine...
RoyMi6 was it basically just a plug an play literally.. ?
how do the cams feel and the tension etc?

They are probably the best pc rudder pedals ever. I was on the order list last year but had to drop out. Might go on it again, my CH pedals feel a bit old these days.
Are they worth the price???

Really could do with some with toe braking, I like the look and customisation but do you guys who have it think it justifies the £££?
I will let you know when they arrive but everything I have read review wise on flight sim dedicated sites say a big YES . time will tell.
Yeah, if you leave the position of the pedals at default then yes, plug and play.

After a while I decided to move the pedals to a slightly higher angle. This meant I had to instal the MFG software for the first time to recalibrate, but once done that's it.

As to the question of if they're worth the money... Really hard to say, for me - yes. But I maybe have more disposable cash than others!
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