<meta name="keywords" content="Security Service, MI5, Eliza Manningham-Buller, national security,
threats, UK, counter-terrorism, security advice, about MI5, international terrorism, Al Qaida, JTAC,
Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, Northern Ireland-related terrorism, proliferation of WMD,
weapons of mass destruction, espionage, spying, NSAC, National Security Advice Centre, security culture,
intelligence, national intelligence machinery, critical national infrastructure, CNI, serious crime, agents,
spies, targets, classified information, security legislation, anti-terrorist legislation, surveillance,
eavesdropping, vetting, bomb protection, myths about MI5, insider threat, business continuity,
managing staff securely, top 10 guidelines, what you can do "/>
<meta name="description" content="This is the official website of the Security Service,
commonly known as MI5. The Service is responsible for protecting the UK against threats
to national security."/>