Micro Atx Rig Help

11 Jan 2015
Hello overclockers forum, I am looking to build a micro atx rig but im not to sure of the components that I want, I would like the build to be based around the case (Corsair Carbide Series Air 240 High Airflow)
I have a budget of around £500 but this is complimented by the fact that I already have a Hard drive and Ram that is still up to date that I could salvage from my Current rig, My Current specs are (i5 2500k , Nvidia 560ti)
I am not sure if it is worth upgrading my i5,2500k to the newer I5's as I have not overclocked it and I am mainly bottlenecked by my GPU.
If anybody could help me build a new rig for around the £500 price tag that would be great, These are my old specs in full

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz
GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Kingston Genesis 8GB 1600MHZ
1TB Storage- an SSD wuld be great
ASUS p6p87 le

If reusing the i5 - 2500k is the best option to keep the upgrade under £500 then that is fine, If you could find a newer board that would run it and allow me to overclock it using the Corsair H100i that would be great,

Many thanks
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Are you set on mATX?

Really there is no need to update the CPU, but replacing the motherboard for something that fits the Air 240 would prove difficult.
Asus seems to indicate that board can OC.

What CPU cooler, case, PSU, OS do you have?

My thoughts:
GPU GTX 970, it is lower power than the 560 TI.
Overclock the 2500K, most get over 4Ghz out of them, and that should not bottleneck these GPUs. You may need a better cooler to get there.
250GB SSD.

This adds up to around £400, less if no new cooler required which could go to larger SSD, or a new PSU, depending on current.
As above, I don't think you'll find any new motherboards to let you reuse the 2500k.

My advice would be to stick with the case, PSU, motherboard and CPU, buy a decent cooler and overclock the CPU and as Ronald said, a nice 970 and an SSD should have you flying along.
Hello Guys and thanks for the response, My case is a Zalam Z9 my PSU is a 600w Coolermaster and my cooler is a CM hyper 212. There is a problem in either my CPU or motherboard where when I put the CPU cooler on properly the PC wont boot at all, I have to have it slightly lose which doesnt help with overclocking as I cant really do it with a good temprature, I have had multiple cases as I though something may be shorting the CPU/Motherboard but I think there is a problem with either, Im not sure which one though.
I take it when you are tightening up your cooler, you use the diagonal method. If it is too tight you can bend the board slightly, which can effect the start up. I would just slackened of each screw a smidge, restart and repeat until it starts. I have had a few CM coolers and never had any issues, the Hyper 212+ was a fantastic cooler for the money. You can get a decent cooler for about £20-30.
Cheapest option, is keep what you have, get a new cooler, Gpu and an ssd.
The other alternative, is the bay, for a secondhand Z77 mATX mobo.
Personally, I would go with the first option.
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