Micro computer power supply help

15 Feb 2013
Hey, I've got my hands on a micro computer which only has a 4 pin ATX connector for powering it. now I've got it up and running by plugging a traditional PC power supply into it and shorting it with a paperclip to get it to power up (the power supply that it) now there has to be a better way of doing this, can someone tell me if i'm being a retard?
is there a better way of getting a PSU to power up without the 20/24 pin connector being connected?
Instead of shorting it with a paperclip hardwire between the 2 pins you use to short it to start and wire it to an latching switch (Aircraft style switch) if u don't like messing around?
swapping it out with a switch sounds like a great option It's just that the board only has the 4 pin connector for power:
one of those. and I was wondering if there's a better way to do it. I have a psu i'm messing around with but will buy one when i've worked out the best way to power it. Are there any PSU's that don't need the 20/24 pin connected to power up?
whats the board type? surely the board your trying to run will operate from a pico? I doubt you will find what your looking for as by the sounds of it it requires a Power on state with out having a switchable board. I.E no power switch on the motherboard.

For that you would need a custom PSU that would have a power on switch (Two position on/off switch) and not the standard momentary switch thats used to turn on a traditional PSU.
I have a crypto akasa case and the psu supplied came with the 4 pin on it.
The 4 pin connection is because of an ac dc connector
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