Hi all, I'll give you as much details as i can, in hope that someone can help me fix this annoying problem..
It's mainly to do with GTA V right now, however this applies to most games that I've tried to play and I'm fairly sure my GPU can handle the settings I'm throwing at it. My problem seems to be the micro stuttering that occurs even when the FPS is solid 60 throughout the stuttering, its hard to describe but the game doesn't feel "smooth" even though I'm getting 60FPS.
My setup..
Intel Core i7 3770 3.4ghz Turbo Boost 3.9ghz
Pallit GTX 760 2GB (powered by x2 6pin)
600W Power Supply
What I've already tried..
- I've tried Windows 7/8/8.1/10
- I've tried uninstalling all drivers/Nvidia Experience and re-installing
- I've tried the lowest settings possible in the game
- I've tried the highest settings in game
- I've tried V sync On and Off
- I've tried to lock the FPS to 30/40/50 and 60
- I've ran the in-game benchmark that easily gets 60FPS on the settings
- I've let Nvidia Experience optimize my settings (still got the same result)
- I've tried the game on another hard drive (just incase the one I'm using isn't fast enough)
So yeah, i need to get this game running smoothly at 60FPS, without the micro stuttering. Its really annoying to have spend so much money on my machine/games for them not to work as I'd like.
The question though, what do I try next?
It's mainly to do with GTA V right now, however this applies to most games that I've tried to play and I'm fairly sure my GPU can handle the settings I'm throwing at it. My problem seems to be the micro stuttering that occurs even when the FPS is solid 60 throughout the stuttering, its hard to describe but the game doesn't feel "smooth" even though I'm getting 60FPS.
My setup..
Intel Core i7 3770 3.4ghz Turbo Boost 3.9ghz
Pallit GTX 760 2GB (powered by x2 6pin)
600W Power Supply
What I've already tried..
- I've tried Windows 7/8/8.1/10
- I've tried uninstalling all drivers/Nvidia Experience and re-installing
- I've tried the lowest settings possible in the game
- I've tried the highest settings in game
- I've tried V sync On and Off
- I've tried to lock the FPS to 30/40/50 and 60
- I've ran the in-game benchmark that easily gets 60FPS on the settings
- I've let Nvidia Experience optimize my settings (still got the same result)
- I've tried the game on another hard drive (just incase the one I'm using isn't fast enough)
So yeah, i need to get this game running smoothly at 60FPS, without the micro stuttering. Its really annoying to have spend so much money on my machine/games for them not to work as I'd like.
The question though, what do I try next?