Microserver Gen8 replacement

18 Oct 2002
Hi all,

I currently have a gen 8 microserver (Xeon E3-1220 v2, 8gb ram) which has developed a NMI general hardware fault. I am currently running memtest and it halted with unexpected interrupt Ha245nh CPU0. From reading, it sounds like if it was a ram issue then memtest would continue to run, however mine crashed (red led on the front of the server). So I'm guessing its cpu/motherboard/psu.

It's out of warranty so I expect I'm going to have to replace it :( - what's the best option for under £300?
Ah ok, it's been over a year since I bought the microserver so assumed there would've been a better alternative by now. Thanks.
Wouldn't advise the gen10, having both the gen10 went back, your cpu in your gen8 is much better.

Gen8's are on a good deal at the minute.
Swapping the CPU is a good idea. The OP might even still have the original CPU in a drawer somewhere!
Ok, so I've swapped out the cpu to the original, but still receiving NMI errors. Latest one was in the provisioning setup (F10), so not windows related.

ILO reports
Unrecoverable System Error (NMI) has occurred. System Firmware will log additional details in a separate IML entry if possible
User Initiated NMI Switch

Not sure why it says User initiated?

Anything else I can try or do you think it needs to be replaced?
How much hardware have you got in your system, memory, expansion cards, hard drives?

Also.. what OS are you using?
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If you're using an SSD i presume you're using a CD Drive caddy to house a 2.5" SSD?

I've had problems in the past where the Molex to Sata PSU cable has come slightly loose and the SSD has lost power and the LED has started flashing red on the front of the server. Probably not related however I thought i'd share my 2 days headache of trying to find out as to why my server kept locking up.
Thanks, but I've had the issues before the ssd (power cut took out a hard drive, hence me putting in the ssd)
I know it's a bit like going around in circles but have you tried RAM stick 1 in both slots and run memtest with it being in each slot?

Apart from that the only other thing I can think of is either swap the PSU or unplug the HDD drive bay and just try running with the OS and see what happens.
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