Microserver - RAID1 - RAIDExpert - logical drive showing critical

1 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Just a quick one,

I have a possible failed hard drive in a Microserver that is using RAID1, it has 2 x 1TB Western digital REDs.

I was getting disk alerts flooding my inbox, then one of the disks dropped out the cluster (disk 2) I have tested both of these by removing disk 2 and booting, it booted in to windows.

Then done the same test with Disk1, it booted. I have run data lifeguard on disk 1 and it seemed to go through fine, took around 2 hours 24 mins to complete, I have started the same on disk 2 but I can already sense there maybe some issues as it takes some time, stops, starts again, so im thinking its picking up or having issues reading/bad sectors.

Issue im having now is that the logical drive is showing as critical and I need to bring a new healthy disk back

There is data on these drives (albiet that is also backed up nightly) but if possible I dont want to loose data

When your bringing disks in and out there is no data loss? I need to bring disk 2 back in to logical drive 1 essentially, or if thats not going to work, create a new logical drive with the data still intack?

In Raid Expert im seeing

Physical drive info


Drive on Port 1 - 1.00 TB

Assigned LD 1-01
1.00 TB

Drive on Port 2 - 1.00 TB

Assigned JBOD

Logical drive is
Assigned Name RAID Level Status Background Activity Capacity
Logical Drive 1 RAID 1 Critical Idle 999.99 GB
JBOD on port 02 (00) JBOD Functional Idle 1000.20 GB

I think what I need to do is delete the logical drive within raid expert and let it rebuild,
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Cool will do. Cheers. :)

Only reason I was asking is because in any view the rebuild tab is greyed out and unclickable

I guess when I stick a fresh disk in. It will show up as a spare drive or something in raid expert and I will have the rebuild option, not have to do anything in bios

When I'm logged in to the box at the moment it's showing them as separate disks in my computer

Will be ensuring the backups are run.
Ignore, sorted

RAID Xpert was still showing the newly installed disk, under logical drive I had Logical drive 1 and a "JBOD" logical drive,

I deleted the JBOD logical drive the rebuild feature came back, its currently rebuilding.

This is one thing they didnt included in their documentation
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