Microsoft 072 Exams? Are they useful / worth anything?

2 Nov 2007
Hey Guys,

I was just having a look on the DreamSpark website and saw they were offering free 072 exams (

I have an internship over the summer working in the Infrastructure (focusing on virtualisation) division of a bank and was wondering:

a) Are these exams worth the paper they're written on?
b) If so, which / would any be useful for me to take in preparation for my internship
c) How much time should i expect to prepare for them?

I should probably mention i have no formal IT training. I have a reasonable (self taught) working knowledge of VMWare (workstation) and Windows Server (SBS 2003) administration (AD, DNS, DHCP etc)

Thanks for such a great response (especially Trojan - cheers. How did the exam go?)

I think ill try and start with:
72-640 - Configuring AD
which i can get for free and the following two at a discounted rate of GBP 42.00

I was just wondering, how long should i expect to take to prepare for these exams? The offer ends on June 30th - so hopefully less than a month?

Is it doable?

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