Microsoft Access Help

4 Mar 2003
Microsoft Access Help (Create a Prompt)

Well this is probably the best place I can ask this question as you guys are always helpful: D

Basically I have created a simple database for somebody in Microsoft Access.

In one of the fields is a date (like a reminder field), when that actual date matches the User input date I want to database to prompt the user with the field number.

How do I go about making something like this, via macros and VB? If so could somebody point me in the right direction as my programming skills are pretty: eek: lol

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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Am away for 2 days - if you still have problem at weekend I will make some suggestions. I would use VBA

Which version of Access are you using?
Mel_P said:
Am away for 2 days - if you still have problem at weekend I will make some suggestions. I would use VBA

Which version of Access are you using?

Hi Mel,

Thanks for the reply, Im using Access 2003. With regards to the weekend thanks that would be helpful if you have got time. :)
you could have an sql query that runs after you enter the date in the parameter box.

the data inputted in the parameter box will return the related field number. not sure if thats what you want though :)
Use this sort of code in VBA

Private Sub txtDate_Entry_AfterUpdate()
' I did this otherwise Now() includes the time as well
Dim strToday As String
strToday = Left(Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy"), 10)
' Compare
If txtDate_Entry = strToday Then
MsgBox Forms!frmDate_test!txtDate_Entry & " is today's date"
End If
End Sub

The date text box is called txtDate_entry and the form is called frmDate_test
Have a play!
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