Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition

This was in the tenner range in Game for yonks, and can be had preowned for much less than that in other stores so I'm kind of disappointed but not surprised by a £20 price point!

This is a bit of a processor hog especially with mods so running it through steam might not be such a good idea (although I appreciate it isn't 2006 anymore) and the disk one doesn't need the CD anyway. also how big is the download out of interest?

Not sure if the acceleration pack comes included? If not then that is just tight!
i got it in the steam sale today, but i cant seem to get it to run higher than default resolution even though its set to 1920x1080 in options. Am i the only one with this problem?
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It says they have tried to make the game work with all addons but as there are so many they can't guarantee they all will work, and they haven't changed the game to cripple use of addons.
With respect to addons this is the bit from sgavan's link that slightly concerns me.

Will there be any conflicts if FSX: Box and FSX: Steam Editions are installed on the same computer?
Great question.

If you already have FSX Gold Edition and add-ons installed they will only be accessible through your existing installation. They will not be duplicated across the original edition and Steam Edition of the simulator.

If you wish to access your add-ons via FSX: Steam Edition you will need to reinstall your add-ons, pointing them toward the Steam Edition of the simulator.

We have worked to make sure the two versions of FSX can coexist, but we cannot guarantee that in all circumstances there will be no problems. If you have a very extensive add-on collection, you might want to consider installing FSX and FSX Steam Edition on separate PCs.
Various addons fail to install by default in to Prepar3d as it has it's own copies of various files squirrelled away in users\.... or in programdata\... That I think will trip up a lot of newbies. I guess there will be a version of the Estonian Migration tool that'll sort that but as most of the FSX community is away from Steam many will never hear of it.
I just notice there a load of add-ons available to buy on steam for FSX now..:)
And there all on a weekend deal right now..;)

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I have the disk version which is rather crash happy on windows 7 for me. I wonder if they have improved it.

Surprised to read this, I have FSX, FS2004 and FS 2002 installed on Win7 64bit along with Combat Flight Sims 1,2&3 all heavily modded (add on planes, scenery etc etc) and not had an issue with any!
This was in the tenner range in Game for yonks, and can be had preowned for much less than that in other stores so I'm kind of disappointed but not surprised by a £20 price point!

This is a bit of a processor hog especially with mods so running it through steam might not be such a good idea (although I appreciate it isn't 2006 anymore) and the disk one doesn't need the CD anyway. also how big is the download out of interest?

Not sure if the acceleration pack comes included? If not then that is just tight!

Being the big hypocrit that I am I got it in the sale, just for the acceleration pack pretty much...
I just notice there a load of add-ons available to buy on steam for FSX now..:)
And there all on a weekend deal right now..;)

Be aware that some of the DLC for FSX is either very old, and not very good, or fairly basic stuff you can do yourself with flight plans. If you want add-ons look to some of the real quality stuff out there (Orbx - Aerosoft - RealAir - PMDG - Carenado to mention a few ) which will keep you happy for far longer than the cheap and no so cheerful DLC.
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