Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 deployment errors



20 Oct 2003
I'm sure this is gonna be a simple one...

Deploying a project to a customer who needs to store just a few fields into an Access database (v2000).

Currently have a copy of the database on my system, and it all works fine and dandy.

However when I deploy to their site, when it tries to access the Access database we get an error.

My connection string in the app.config is as follows...

<add name="Production_DM.My.MySettings.HSPSupplier"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&quot;\\pc1\test\HspSupplier.mdb&quot;"
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

The only difference between there's and mine is the path to the data source on mine points to my test drive, theirs points to the location on the network.

Is there anything simple I'm missing! Do they need to download Jet4 (wouldn't have thought so because AFAIK Access2k was Jet4).

The error message they get simple says that there's an index out of range (looking for column4).

Now at first I thought if their database maybe had less than 4 columns, obvious thing to look at, but nope, they've exactly the same database as me.

If I deliberately change the Data Source path on my machine to something like C:\lskjdflkjsdlfj\lkjlsdjf.mdb then on my machine it says the database can't be found. On the clients however, it still reports that the index is out of range!

Any thoughts of what could be wrong?
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