Microsoft Optical Desktop Elite - Wireless Issues

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
My Desktop Elite pack has been giving me a bit of grief lately. Infact it has never worked flawlessly since new.

The range seems quite poor. I tried using the mouse 2-2.5m from the receiver and it just doesnt work at all.

The signal will just go and anything I type is not registered and the mouse cursor also stops.

Sometimes it registers a button being held dowwwwwwwwwwwwwn, LOL it just did it then!

I have tried changing batteries.

It is getting very annoying!

The receiver is about 15cm away from the KB and mouse at the moment and I still have problems.

Any ideas?

I had a logitech wireless setup a few years ago which worked faultlessly.
i assume you have tried pressing the button on the reciever, followed by the button on the bottom of the keyboard and the mouse? This sometimes helps with mine
I am thinking something may be interfering with it.

Next door are on holiday and wouldnt own any wireless stuff.

We have DECT house phones. My brother and dad have wireless pc stuff, brother MS wireless desktop media and Dad has a wireless logitech mouse.

I have 2 mobile phones. Mum, Dad and brother one each.

These dont seem to effect it though as i have switched them off in turn and get the problem still.

Funnily the problem has completely gone for the moment. Likely to return though.

EDIT - It has always had issues registering commands like CTRL+C, CTRL+V.
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Does anybody have problems with this keyboard and gaming?

If say I hold "W" to walk forward it just stops after a few seconds.
Same gear here, I actually have two of these setup upstairs in different rooms, the second one I bought was really quite dodgy for a while, its near a router and a cordless phone although moving these didnt seem to help.

Its just a case of pressing the button on the reciever and on the kb and mouse. Eventually it will find a setting it likes.
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