MIcrosoft "The Connected Home"

26 Jan 2005
Yesterday i visisted a retail high street chain (no names) Microsoft were setting up a section of the store that demonstrated there connected home technology. I have to say I am very impressed, the microsoft staff new what they were talking about, even the technical stuff on the hardware.

Any how, the setup had a bedroom, living room, kitchen and study, they had setup 3 pc's linked to a server that stores digital content, as well as an xbox360.

The coolest feature was media centres ability to turn lights off from any room using a Nevo SL Remote.

It al worked perfectly, I was surprised microsoft was so far into its plan to get homes connected together, especially as it was for retail, all packages etc were avalaiable to buy but were overally expensive.

Still if this is Microsofts vision of the future home users then I can see Vista implementing loads of functions to complement the features on show and take them one step further.

Just thought I would share my experience, any questions then ask away :)
26 Jan 2005
I know it surprised the hell out of me as well, usually there staff are idiots brainwashed into believing Bill Gates is there god.

But the fact remains it was an impressive setup, that any OcUK member would want in there homes.

26 Jan 2005
I think i was most impressed that microsoft can now offer the general public a service where they come and install and setup your systems for you, including cable management, pc configuration, as well as cutomizing loads of other stuff for you.

Most OcUK members could set up the same system with no problems, but your average joe needs help, and I would rather they pay microsoft to do it than ask me to do it as a favour. We have all been there before.:D
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