Can someone link me to a free (and legal) trial of Microsoft Word I can install to do some homework on?
I tried using the 2010 trial but I couldn't use the software because it'd just keep downloading crap and going unresponsive.
Wow open office now includes Microsoft Word? [/sarcasm]
Seriously though Open Office is much less functional than Office.
Pretty stupid comment. No, of course it doesn't include Word but it will read and write Word files 99% as well as Word itself. And it's easily as functional as Office; don't know where you got that from.
How was it a pretty stupid comment? Surely, when someone is asking for Word, suggesting a product that does not contain Word is the stupid comment and that is what I was highlighting.
If it was as functional as Office, which I have found it not to be, then why would people buy Office? I'm sure I had a link to what it did and did not do in regards to Office but I can't be bothered to find it.
Okay let me put it another way:
I want a Aston Martin. Someone then suggests a Ford Mondeo. Principaly they are both cars. But I want an Aston Martin so why would someone even think to suggest a Mondeo?
Do you not get that. You have ignored the OP requirements - it clearly states Microsoft Word. Is that hard to get?
Sigh. Perhaps you can not read the OP. Where does it say 'or alternatives'. My intention was not to shoot down Raist, mainly because his name is part of my favourite Dragonlance character, but that's a different story.
My point was that there are far to many topics whereby the OP is not met. Once the question was answered and linked to was there a need to suggest something else?
Absolutely! What's wrong with presenting some alternatives that might be better? If I ask about a specific heatsink for my computer and someone suggests another type I haven't considered, I'd be grateful to them for taking the time to point out something I may have missed. That's all I'm sayin'. Variety is the spice of life and all that.
I quite like spice as well!
Put it down to a very early start at work and not enough tea to balance me out!
Sounds like you need a shot of strong liquor in ya mug too, m4!