Got a pretty decent oven that has a pizza oven , i was just thinking since i need a new microwave that i might get one of the convection twin grill ones but not sure which one.
Less chance of me burning the house down after a session when chucking a frozen pizza in.
Honestly dude, if you risk burning the house down after cooking a frozen pizza in the oven, you'd probably be better off just staying out of the kitchen. No idea why you'd want to cook a pizza in a microwave oven when the results are ten times better in a normal oven.
Just make yourself an outdoor stone pizza oven! Only a little bit (~£1k) more than your average microwave, a great DIY project and huge man points from your mates! Its a win win scenario!
Microwaved pizza. Just no.
It's not that hard to put it in the oven is it :confused;
Did you read the OP? It's clear that he's talking about a microwave with convection oven/grill features.
That is very clear from the OP, but regardless of that, I still don't understand why you'd ever want to cook it in a microwave if you have an oven, regardless of how you're going to microwave it.
Thats not a bad idea , cant see me stoking it up at midnight on a friday night but summer evenings would be cool.