Microwaving food

22 Oct 2002
Essex, innit?
You know when you heat some micro-food up it says leave to stand for 1 min or whatever.

Why is this?

Because there's microwaves still flying round the oven, because it's still cooking or because it's hot and you might burn yourself?
The second two, microwave radiation is just that, waves, and once the source is taken away ie the emitter, then there is no radiation.

So yeah its just to help it cool down and cook slightly more, same with a joint of meat from an oven which is left to stand for 10 minutes after its been taken out the oven.
Amp34 said:
The second two, microwave radiation is just that, waves, and once the source is taken away ie the emitter, then there is no radiation.

So yeah its just to help it cool down and cook slightly more, same with a joint of meat from an oven which is left to stand for 10 minutes after its been taken out the oven.

the meat out of the oven has a different reason. It is because when meat is cooked, it tense up. By leaving it for 10 mins it allows it to relax and the meat will taste more tender.
Er no, its because microwaves work by heating water, and can only penertrate 1-2cm into food, so you allow it to stand to allow the heat to transfer to the centre of the food, and to thus allow even cooking.
Also, if you boil water in the microwave leave it for a few mins because of 'super-heating' which can cause the water to explode out of the container.
As the heat is emmiting from within the product still

This is why you DO NOT warm babies milk in a microwave as whn you test it on your hand you dont know the real temp..
it usually takes me 10 mins to scrape the food off the floor onto a plate after I have dropped it from burning my hand when you peel the plastic back. I guess i should leave it to stand for 1 minute
ScarySquirrel said:
it usually takes me 10 mins to scrape the food off the floor onto a plate after I have dropped it from burning my hand when you peel the plastic back. I guess i should leave it to stand for 1 minute
best post ever.
you won't manage the first time, the the horrible burns of your arms (and possibly face) will dissuade you from doing it a second time.
Aod said:
you won't manage the first time, the the horrible burns of your arms (and possibly face) will dissuade you from doing it a second time.

I get 3rd degree burns everytime i use the damn microwave, I think i'll stick to beans on toast
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