Charged to 100% last night. Left all day asleep whilst at work. It was 96% full when I woke it up about 20 minutes ago and now reads 89%.
I have a 15" MBP with 2.66GHz processor, 4Gb RAM, 320Gb HD.
Currently my system is:
89% idle CPU
185Mb/4Gb free RAM.
I am running and listening to Spotify (loud)
Have a Windows XP Parallels session running
2x Safari
3x terminal sessions
Estimated remaining battery life is 3:54. Screen brightness is on 6 blocks (About 2/5 of overall brightness) and WiFi is on (Bluetooth is off), and I am in powersaving mode. How does that compare? as I thought these were meant to do about 7hrs with light use? Given what I am doing is just under 4 hrs fair, or is it a little low?
Coconut Battery says I have 6827 mAh of possible capacity, which is >100% after 42 cycles.
I have a 15" MBP with 2.66GHz processor, 4Gb RAM, 320Gb HD.
Currently my system is:
89% idle CPU
185Mb/4Gb free RAM.
I am running and listening to Spotify (loud)
Have a Windows XP Parallels session running
2x Safari
3x terminal sessions
Estimated remaining battery life is 3:54. Screen brightness is on 6 blocks (About 2/5 of overall brightness) and WiFi is on (Bluetooth is off), and I am in powersaving mode. How does that compare? as I thought these were meant to do about 7hrs with light use? Given what I am doing is just under 4 hrs fair, or is it a little low?
Coconut Battery says I have 6827 mAh of possible capacity, which is >100% after 42 cycles.