I have an Aiwa Midi system, that i'm planning on hooking up to my Soundblaster extreme 7.1
I don't really want to go to a surround sound setup as it's going to be to many speakers and the room were my PC is does'nt really have the space for all that
My past experiance with PC speakers is that they were a pile of junk, one of the best things i ever did was hook up my old PC to a Hi Fi the differnace was massive
Anyway back to present day and i have a Midi system spare for use with the above soundcard, i was planning on getting a y piece cable and hooking the lineout up to my midi system and hey ho some decent sound
However on my soundcard installation sheet it only has instructions for connection up to 2.1, 4.1 etc systems, A 2.1 system is a sub and pair of speakers right?, my midi system only has two speakers, no sub although there is a small powered sub in each speaker.
My question is are PC speakers still generally a bit dire?, this was a long time ago when i last used them and i can see from the stuff in shops etc things have come along an awful lot since then with surround setups etc, would a 2.1 system rival or even beat a 150 odd quid midi system or is Hi Fi still best for stero non surround sound outputs?
I don't really want to go to a surround sound setup as it's going to be to many speakers and the room were my PC is does'nt really have the space for all that
My past experiance with PC speakers is that they were a pile of junk, one of the best things i ever did was hook up my old PC to a Hi Fi the differnace was massive
Anyway back to present day and i have a Midi system spare for use with the above soundcard, i was planning on getting a y piece cable and hooking the lineout up to my midi system and hey ho some decent sound
However on my soundcard installation sheet it only has instructions for connection up to 2.1, 4.1 etc systems, A 2.1 system is a sub and pair of speakers right?, my midi system only has two speakers, no sub although there is a small powered sub in each speaker.
My question is are PC speakers still generally a bit dire?, this was a long time ago when i last used them and i can see from the stuff in shops etc things have come along an awful lot since then with surround setups etc, would a 2.1 system rival or even beat a 150 odd quid midi system or is Hi Fi still best for stero non surround sound outputs?