Midnight Club 2 - AI Catchup?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Anyone know if MC2 features catchup for the opposing racers like NFS:U? I've got as far as the boss "Dice" in Los Angeles, but I'm having a bit of trouble in the second race for pinks.

The thing is, I can get ahead but towards the end of the race the other cars seem to blow right by me even if I don't make a huge mistake, and then it's almost impossible to overtake them due to the fact that the finishing straight is a very narrow ramp. I'm sure I will get there in the end but as it's a fairly long race (nearly 5mins) it's quite frustrating.

There's been a couple of other times during the game where I've been in last place after making a huge cockup, cruised along the freeway for a while and then suddenly come across a pack of opponents not going all that fast. Which does put the idea in my head that it could be using catchup. Looks like I might have to do the good old NFS tactic of saving my nitro for the end of the race as it's wasted otherwise.

Overall the game seems OK so far but nothing too special, certainly not worthy of the rave reviews it seems to have got (88% on IGN/Gamespy, and averaging well above 80% across 30 sites). Car handling feels a bit off, most are practically glued to the track and handle the same whatever speed you are going at. Slowly down per se doesn't seem to help you corner, it's more a question of using the brake while turning to throw the back end out and change your angle. The graphics to be fair have grown on me, it's all a bit dingy at first and lacking in life but it does it's job and performance is excellent in 1600x1200 16xAF max settings (70fps+), with the exception of when a lot of smoke is on the screen (I've seen it go as low as 25fps).
I've played through MC2 twice & never noticed any catch-up if I had a big lead (or slow-down if the opponents had a big lead). It's all in your head.

If you think some races are difficult just wait until you have to race the World Champion in Paris (second last race I think). It took me 50+ attempts on both occasions.

MC2 is the best racing game I've played. Way better than any NFS pish.
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Well as I said I'm sure I'll get there in the end as I'm learning the game (and course) all the time, I've only had maybe 8 or so bashes at that race and I woudln't say it was necessarily difficult (yet ;) ). I'd have been kinda disappointed if things didn't get harder on the later cities anyway :)

This particular course does have very long gaps between checkpoints (half a map away etc) so I think some of it could just be down to the computer knowing all the shortcuts etc that I don't. The fact we tend to take different routes also reduces the opportunities to use slipstream turbo.
There's no catch up that i've noticed on Midnight Club 2.

The trick is that if you mess up, you lose your lead. I can't remember the amount of times i've been miles in the lead, 20-30 seconds kinda thing. Then I get wiped out by a stray car, and by the time the screen stops spinning i'm last.

It's an easy game to play, as long as you don't hit anything. The races are all about repeating the route until you learn it so well that you don't make any mistakes.

Good game though.
Is the game actually any good? I've only played the demos for MC1 and MC2 and found the handling to be slightly off, I'm not sure I can narrow it down any further but something felt subtly wrong. I do have to admit to being a NFS player though so maybe I'm just used to that but I do like to feel that what I do has some impact on how the car moves.
Well I know that like me you are a big fan of NFS Porsche 2000, so we probably have similar tastes. MC2 definitely doesn't have the same class, the actual racing isn't too bad but it just feels a bit lacking in soul, and the handling is EXTREMELY arcadey (more so than NFS games). It's suprising that there aren't any options to tune or upgrade your ride.

The game has grown on me a little, as my first impression was probably tainted somewhat by the first car and having no special abilities. At least the new cars you win do feel a bit different from one another (although still dodgy). And to be fair I'm only around 30% through the game so far.

Bottom line is it's probably worth spending a fiver on if there aren't any modern racers which take your fancy, but I wouldn't bust a gut to get hold of a copy.
HangTime said:
Bottom line is it's probably worth spending a fiver on if there aren't any modern racers which take your fancy, but I wouldn't bust a gut to get hold of a copy.

Ok thanks for the summary, I've just bought GTR recently and I should be getting a copy of GTL soon also so I think I'll give it a miss for the moment unless I find it at a good price. :)
McNutter said:
If you think some races are difficult just wait until you have to race the World Champion in Paris (second last race I think). It took me 50+ attempts on both occasions.

Just completed Paris tonight and personally I found her races much easier than the LA ones - by this stage you have some decent motors and have learnt the skills etc.

Generally speaking I find the scattered checkpoint races the hardest as planning your route is much tougher. You need an indepth knowledge of the map and where you can cut corners etc.
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