Snooze fest, just like Hereditary. Everything about it is retarded retro - it has plot of poor mans Wicker Man, it has a pace of a 1980ies Swedish psychological drama and the lack of any plot logics, just like 80ies movies: all the characters behave like they are in a trance, even when things turn obviously wrong nobody runs, none of them try to save themselves, they just follow like lambs for slaughter, things just happen, they don't have any cause or explanation, the scare or creepiness relies on everyone doing their predestined and preset tasks as if they were natural thing. The location is clearly chosen for American audience, but to Europeans an idea of "uncontacted"/isolated cult in countryside Sweden is about as believable as a tribe of mutant inbreds in foxholes of New Mexico desert. South American or African jungle, maybe, but murderous wicker man Sweden? Weird. Let the fact that the "remote Swedish countryside" was shot in Hungary be a testament of just that. I can't immerse in movies if I don't understand the actions of main characters and I don't believe the setting. Boring, boring, boring.