Might be diabetic eek :-\

13 Jul 2004
Burgess Hill, West Sussex
Just came back from the docs, cos for the last few years, I have always got really tired and rubbishy feeling even if I went to college, or stayed in etc etc and recently its been getting worse, like on sunday I was at work and suddenly became really shaky, tired, nauseous and faint, after a coke i was fine. And this whole week iv pretty much stayed in but felt like Iv had a hang over all day untill I have a meal...then im fine! I stopped drinking for a month to see if I got any better and had no improvements! I also had a few other symptoms that sounded like diabetes so thats why I went to the docs.

I have a blood test for next wednesday, I am scared I think although the thought of having it hasnt sunk in, i was expecting to be told that!

Is anyone here diabetic? And does it affect your life much?
I think thats something weird about if i did have it, cos it doesnt run in my family, Im a healthy weight for my height, and I eat reasonably well!
I just get really tired and ill for no reason and then am fine if i have something to eat. Although like yesterday I felt like I had no energy at all!

Admitedly though I do have a sweet tooth! But I dont go overboard!
Its ok Luckily Im not frightened of needles!!! I think id only have the weaker diabetes, I doubt it would be too serious, well hopefully not! Carrying sweets on me wouldnt be a problem, although I have trouble trying to keep my weight at a steady weight so hopefully I wouldnt gain weight from medication.*
One thing that affects me a lot atm though is peeing a lot, especially at work (i work in a pub) i always worry they get annoyed at me cos i go about 4 times a shift (6 hours) but hopefully if i am diagnosed with it they will understand it more. Peeing a lot can get embarrasing too i went out for a drink with someone the other night and had to go about three times in an hour!

*Im only ten stone and 5'5 so not having trouble with my weigh, jst fluctuates a lot!
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