Might upgrade from phone 3g 8gb to 16gb help

6 Nov 2004
Hi, I think I might put my Iphone 3g 8gb up for sale on the auction site and buy a 16gb iphone 3g.

Now what do I have to do need to do regarding my contract etc? From what I remember my Iphone 3g ran without a sim with my number (even though I put it in later), so does that mean this phone is forever registered to me and my contract/number now or if I buy a PAYG one and register on my current contract will it erase it on the original?
wait for the new iphone in may, 16gb or 32gb

there going be cheaper than the current 3g iphone now

however the 3g iphone is a joke it downloads no faster as egde on the iphone 2g
mmmmm faster you think

tests show that 2g is no slower than 3g on 02......fact

so you can disagree all you like but your wrong......fact

and the new iphone will be cheaper £299 16gb payg, £350 for 32gb
and on contact both free on £35 month

a good friend of mine works for a company who builds the iphone for apple
in hong kong its comin soon, he sent me pictures so i leaked them on the net
and 02 as the new iphone in testing, and the price is set

so mr moonx: you may well disagree because your not in the know
but what i have said will become true

so strike 3 to me

noobs 0 me cant be bothered to count:)
mmmmm faster you think

tests show that 2g is no slower than 3g on 02......fact

so you can disagree all you like but your wrong......fact

and the new iphone will be cheaper £299 16gb payg, £350 for 32gb
and on contact both free on £35 month

a good friend of mine works for a company who builds the iphone for apple
in hong kong its comin soon, he sent me pictures so i leaked them on the net
and 02 as the new iphone in testing, and the price is set

so mr moonx: you may well disagree because your not in the know
but what i have said will become true

so strike 3 to me

noobs 0 me cant be bothered to count:)

You have friends everywhere... :rolleyes: Any chance of that screenshot in my thread?
mmmmm faster you think

tests show that 2g is no slower than 3g on 02......fact

so you can disagree all you like but your wrong......fact

and the new iphone will be cheaper £299 16gb payg, £350 for 32gb
and on contact both free on £35 month

a good friend of mine works for a company who builds the iphone for apple
in hong kong its comin soon, he sent me pictures so i leaked them on the net
and 02 as the new iphone in testing, and the price is set

so mr moonx: you may well disagree because your not in the know
but what i have said will become true

so strike 3 to me

noobs 0 me cant be bothered to count:)

Except when I tested my iPhone 2G against two of my mates 3Gs loading the BBC webpage they took about 1/3rd the time?

I believe what I see, and that the 3G was being, oh wait, FASTER!

Btw: Im hardly a mac "noob"
o its funny, its a fact ring 02

but chet and concorde must be right, because they have 1 iphone each
even apple changed there advert because they lied about the speed
3g is only quicker in london on 02,

fact, fact, so you boys must know more than 02, and apple but im thinking not, so i stick to my posts
o its funny, its a fact ring 02

but chet and concorde must be right, because they have 1 iphone each
even apple changed there advert because they lied about the speed
3g is only quicker in london on 02,

fact, fact, so you boys must know more than 02, and apple but im thinking not, so i stick to my posts

I actually own a company that imports and sells iPhones in the UK so I don't just have one iPhone. I have been dealing with them since release day. And as for the speed of 3G, Apple only changed the advert because the speed was described 'really fast' and actual loading times were not reflected on the advert.

So get your facts straight before posting.... and take a read here... you might learn something:

o its funny, its a fact ring 02

but chet and concorde must be right, because they have 1 iphone each
even apple changed there advert because they lied about the speed
3g is only quicker in london on 02,

fact, fact, so you boys must know more than 02, and apple but im thinking not, so i stick to my posts


Tested twice in Windsor and four times in Bristol.

Once 3G even beat wireless.

You my friend, are chatting rubbish.
3g cant beat wireless

Ever? That's a pretty bold statement. WiFi suffers from the same limitations as 3G (distance from base station, number of concurrent users, etc.). On average, WiFi should beat 3G comfortably but it won't always be the case.

im not telling you its no faster 02 is for gods sake

Got a link to that information? That's the only thing that people are asking for. :)
mmmmm faster you think

tests show that 2g is no slower than 3g on 02......fact

so you can disagree all you like but your wrong......fact

and the new iphone will be cheaper £299 16gb payg, £350 for 32gb
and on contact both free on £35 month

a good friend of mine works for a company who builds the iphone for apple
in hong kong its comin soon, he sent me pictures so i leaked them on the net
and 02 as the new iphone in testing, and the price is set

so mr moonx: you may well disagree because your not in the know
but what i have said will become true

so strike 3 to me

noobs 0 me cant be bothered to count:)

Hahahahahahaha, oh dear. :rolleyes:
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