
1 Jul 2007
I made some homemade mincemeat today. The problem is the suet has reset and turned white in the jars, doesn't look that appetising.

Is there anyway I can fix this? Does it really matter?

I know the recipe asked for 175g and I used the 200g pack but other ingrediants where over slightly too. Would the extra 25g really cause this problem or has something else gone wrong?

Thanks for any help.

I just wasn't sure. I'm guessing something else I could have done was to let it cool fully before jarring it, so it solidified in the cooking bowl. That way I could have stirred it all up and had the fat mixed togeather.
Sorry guys.
Once spooned into the jars it cooled down and the liquid (guessing the suet) has turned white and solidified.

When I go to bake the pies I'll decant the jars into a bowl and mix it all up.
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