Minecraft experts in here please

16 May 2004
So, my 2 lads, the wife and myself are looking to play all together in a new world, Survival but on peaceful mode due to my eldest being super scared of being killed (he has ADHD and ASD). The youngest is fed up of his older brother breaking his buildings and messing around with his 'plot' of land.

I did some looking into this last night and learnt how to give Command blocks but thats about it. I know I can type in a code so players become in Adventure mode when within a certain radius of the command block but I don't now how to enter it or what type of command block to use. Total newb here, sorry
All I want is to place 4 command blocks, one for each of us a little distance away from each so enough room to build a house and some farms/pens etc.

How do I do this, so each block is assigned to 1 player to allow them to break, place block in that radius but not allow other players to do so? I have seen the code but I am getting different version of it online. If someone can do a step by step for me, I'll give you a internet coookie.

Really appreciate the help on this, as it will stop them two from arguing. We use the xbox game pass version. My two lads play split screen on xbox one, the wife will either be on the switch or xbox X downstairs and I will be on my pc xbox gamepass for windows, signed in as username(2) as my lad uses my log in so we can all share games under my single Ultimate account.

I followed your instructions on setting up the command blocks and it seems to work. I set up 4 lots a bit away from each other, named them after kids and myself and wife. I logged in with my wifes profile and couldn't destroy my kids or my own blocks within that radius. So it all seems to work fine. You mention to put them away so they cant be found/hidden or whatever, i will assume no matter how low or high they are it always effect the outward radius, not the up an down. or does it act like a tall cylinder?

Also, how would I make a spawn point for each player so they spawn at their respective plots of land?
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