Hi All,
I'm hoping someone can help as after five hours of google searching I'm not really any further on.
My goal is to run a small minecraft (modded to Tekkit) server for a myself and a few friends. I had it running on my Windows 8.1 laptop pretty well but thought I'd dig out my old mini-itx media PC so that I can run it 24/7 more easily.
I'd lost my Win7 key so thought I'd give Ubuntu a go as I'd had some fun with it a few years ago, it's reliable, cheap (free!) and apparently runs the server more smoothly.
So I've installed version 14.04.2 onto my server via a USB memory stick, followed the install instructions, which basically involve -
- install java runtime 7
- extract the server software into a folder
- edit two files to allow them to run as programs
- edit the launch.sh file to use the correct amount of RAM
- run launch.sh from terminal
And.... I get the message "unable to access jarfile tekkit.jar".
My launch.sh file contains
Does anyone have any ideas?
I have managed to get the server running ONCE, and this was after using the CHOWN command on either (sorry I can't remember) the .jar file itself, or the entire directory. 'Great' I thought, but after restarting the machine I'm back to where I began and using the CHOWN command doesn't seem to be having the same effect.
It's obviously (probably) an ownership/permission problem, but I just can not seem to find it.
I'm a willing novice at Linux, so sorry if this post is a bit thickheaded, but my mind has turned to mush after an evening battling this damn problem!
Any help is much appreciated, for now I'll keep hammering away at the CHOWN command..
I'm hoping someone can help as after five hours of google searching I'm not really any further on.
My goal is to run a small minecraft (modded to Tekkit) server for a myself and a few friends. I had it running on my Windows 8.1 laptop pretty well but thought I'd dig out my old mini-itx media PC so that I can run it 24/7 more easily.
I'd lost my Win7 key so thought I'd give Ubuntu a go as I'd had some fun with it a few years ago, it's reliable, cheap (free!) and apparently runs the server more smoothly.
So I've installed version 14.04.2 onto my server via a USB memory stick, followed the install instructions, which basically involve -
- install java runtime 7
- extract the server software into a folder
- edit two files to allow them to run as programs
- edit the launch.sh file to use the correct amount of RAM
- run launch.sh from terminal
And.... I get the message "unable to access jarfile tekkit.jar".
My launch.sh file contains
java -Xmx2G -Xms1G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui
Does anyone have any ideas?
I have managed to get the server running ONCE, and this was after using the CHOWN command on either (sorry I can't remember) the .jar file itself, or the entire directory. 'Great' I thought, but after restarting the machine I'm back to where I began and using the CHOWN command doesn't seem to be having the same effect.
It's obviously (probably) an ownership/permission problem, but I just can not seem to find it.
I'm a willing novice at Linux, so sorry if this post is a bit thickheaded, but my mind has turned to mush after an evening battling this damn problem!
Any help is much appreciated, for now I'll keep hammering away at the CHOWN command..